Tentackles Strategic Design: The New Age Design Gurus

Tentackles Strategic Design
Kishan Kumar, CEO, Tentackles Strategic Design Pvt

It all started with a journey of design and development together when Mr. Kailash Prasad Sah was exploring design and development in digital industries. He found one common problem in every industry. The design and development were not going very smoothly, and everyone was facing the challenge with their products. The idea was to bridge the gap of product development and provide seamless services in the digital industry in terms of design, development, brand positioning, and marketing.

This is when Mr. Kailash turned himself to multiple streams to understand the business. He was trying to explore more opportunities in the digital industry. He facilitated design and development sessions and worked for multiple products and consulting agencies. Post all the employments, he thought of exploring more about the industry and that’s when Tentackles was started with just one employee and one client in the co-working space. Read along to know more about how Mr. Kailash Prasad Sah built his career with Tentackles.

What is the current scenario of the industry that you are catering to?

Industries which we are catering to currently are Banking, Finance, Mortgage, Consulting, E-commerce, Educational Games, Medical, Travel, and Automobile, Lost and Found Management, Renewable Energy, Marketing Communications.

Is your start-up bootstrapped or are you looking for funding options?

We are bootstrapped and have paved our runway. Currently, we are not looking for funding options.

How has the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic influenced your business operations?

Like every other business Covid-19 impacted our business a bit as well, however, it also made us hyperactive about the path forward. At the beginning of the pandemic, it was a bit challenging to understand and manage things, but we made it through. We figured out quick ways to implement and adapted to the situation resulting in greater efficiency. This pandemic made us expand our capabilities and be ready for any challenges in the future. Our focus is now to stay nimble to our client’s needs.

As a start-up, what steps are you taking to acquire new customers or retain the existing ones in these challenging times of Covid-19?

Retaining customers in these trying times can be a little challenging but if you share a good relationship with your clients, it becomes easy as a cakewalk. Also, it is very crucial to be responsive to your client’s feedback, especially during these times. This makes customers trust the company and stay loyal. We focused on improving customer experience and leveraged technology to stay connected with them while working remotely.

What kind of products or services your start-up offers?

Tentackles Strategic Design Solution is a UX/UI website design and development agency. We offer seamless services specializing in User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Responsive Web Design, App and Website Design and Development, Branding, Animation, and Internet Marketing. We strive to offer a wide range of styles, strategies, and creativity in what we do.

What kind of challenges have you faced while incorporating your company?

Assembling a team of experts who can continuously brainstorm ways to provide quality service and grow the company was a challenge. It’s great to have like-minded people on board who believe in your vision and motto. As an entrepreneur, I believe that if you can sell your vision and passion to your team then you can sell anywhere.

Where do you envision yourself and your company to be in the long run and what are your future goals?

I reckon Tentackles have a bright future ahead because the type of services we provide are of the new world and are yet to reach their peak. We will continue to contribute to our customer’s growth and value and stretch our comfort zone. I am very positive about the future of this company and the services we provide. Our mission is to put this company on a pedestal, and we can see that happening already.

Give your opinion on how to survive as a start-up in these pandemic times. 

While this pandemic deeply affected myriad businesses, on the other hand, it has been an opportunity for many others. These are trying times and the best you can do is to stay nimble to your customer’s needs and mould yourself according to the situation. Initially, it might be challenging but in the long run, it will bring your business back on foot. While the crisis persists, your company is expected to perform and deliver results to your clients. In this time of unprecedented crisis, it is important to protect your employees who help your company make money and are an asset.

Nobody knows how long this is going to last and therefore it is very important to plan for the year to come and be prepared in advance. Try to stay in touch with your clients virtually as much as possible and assure them quality services even in the time of crisis. Your existing customers are as important as your new customers. Walk your new customers through your products and services and make them believe in your potential and capabilities. Establishing a good relationship with your clients is the key to survive this pandemic. Times are hard but all you need is a strategic plan and things will be just right as before the pandemic.



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