Union Health Minister says Coronavirus Patients are Showing Signs of Recovery

Corona Patients| Harsh Vardhan

In New Delhi, on Tuesday, the Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, spoke to a few corona affected patients admitted at Medanta and Safdarjung hospitals. He spoke to them through video calls and said that they were showing signs of recovery and were stable.

The health ministry said, Vardhan ensured the status of other COVID-19 affected patients by calling the health ministers of Delhi, Haryana, Kerala, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Telangana, Punjab, Tamilnadu and Uttar Pradesh as well as the Lt Governors of Ladakh and J&K.

While Vardhan spoke to a few patients to ask them whether they were satisfied with their treatments, he said, “While speaking to the patients, he conveyed that though he wanted to visit them personally, he was dissuaded by the hospital authorities from the visit as they felt that such a visit may hinder regular treatment arrangements for the patients.”

The ministry said that the patients expressed their satisfaction with the treatment they were being given. They also appreciated the regular review of their health status being taken thrice a day by the government.

Vardhan applauded the way valuable lives of Indians and foreign nationals visiting India have been taken care of. He appreciated the efforts being taken by the Central and State/UT Governments.

He also urged the government officials to spread awareness regarding the virus and persuade people to avoid crowded places as well as follow basic hygiene.

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