Vishal Malkan

It is said that “A Man with Dreams needs a Woman with Vision.”

It is this vision that has helped them create Malkansview which completes a decade and half of spreading financial literacy in the country.  Their ultimate mission is to Change the Way India Trades.

Malkansview is one of India’s largest training Institute that provides education on stock trading and investing. Those who attend their seminars and workshops vouch for the simplicity and effectiveness of what they teach, which creates an unprecedented degree of success for its participants.

Vishal & Meghana form one power couple where they have grown together to pursue the lifelong journey to mastery. And in the process, they have bucked most generalisations and have gradually risen to create a huge hustle in the industry of Stock training and investment.

They hit a milestone this year upon completing 15 years in this business. They have been recently felicitated at the Global Excellence Awards – 23 as The Most Result Oriented Stock Training Institute In India.

Why are people hesitant to take up stock trading a full-time profession?

Vishal: Given the volatile nature of the markets and the inherent risks involved are what make people somewhat hesitant to take it up as a full-time venture. Inadequate knowledge, lack of strategy and confidence- these are the crux of the problem. There are some who get it right occasionally but that does not automatically translate into success for them. The online sources have a glut or information and that coupled with complicated trading methods make it even tougher for laymen to navigate the world of stock trading.

Do you see any change amongst people over the last 15 years?

Vishal: Yes, most certainly. People are now more aware and accepting of investing in stock markets as a choice. The markets are more accessible and regulated than ever. Women participation has increased multi-fold. Technology has made it better, one can trade and invest with as minimum as a mobile phone.

What does it take to become a pro trader?

Vishal: Pro traders ride the lows in the market with equanimity and know that losses and adversity are in-built into the nature of this profession. They have the skill to control their emotions in the face of adversity and loss.

Vishal, what has been your journey into the stock markets?

I began my journey here at an early age of 16. After going through numerous ups and downs in my career, I realised that the only way out was to educate myself first in this field. Thus began my learning spree. I attended programs and seminars of the best trading and investment gurus across the world and read more than 400 books on the subject. Doing this, I discovered simple methods to successful trading and investing which now helps thousands of traders and investors to get over their fear of losses.

Meghana, what motivated you to get into this profession? Were you always a stock trader?

With an educational background in law, I broke the shackles of the corporate job in a legal department 16 years ago to become a full-time stock trader. With his wide experience, Vishal mentored me on this journey and my transformation motivated us to help people get over their unfounded fears and apprehensions about taking up stock trading as a full-time occupation. Thus Malkansview was born.

Can you share some recent success stories from your students?

Meghana: I am glad to see the transformation the institute has caused over the years. People with no financial background are now confident traders. We have people from all walks of life – like farmers, Uber drivers and security men now be a part of the financial markets. Also, there are participants who earlier felt that trading the markets was out of bounds for them, due to low trading capital on hand. It is great to see these people making returns on the small capital by trading options strategies.

As a Power Couple, how do you synergise your energies into the business?

Vishal: We believe that learning to trade the stock markets is more than just the tools, strategies and methods.

Success at trading is a combination of this knowledge blended with the right mindset to trade. So while I predominantly focus on teaching these strategies and technical concepts. Meghana’s role is to work on the participant’s mindset.

Meghana: A person’s psychology determines majority of his/her success rate when it comes to the business of Productivity, Psychology, Physiology etc, and also on their abundance blocks and is manifestation and their overall energy.

It is this strategic combination of technical knowledge plus the right mindset, that has created success for our participants so far.

How can our readers learn more about stock trading?

Meghana: To serve a larger number of people, we have co-authored the book #CASHTAGS – How Anyone Can Get Started in the Stock Markets and Level up as a Power Trader. The book has its complete focus on simplicity and aims at providing simple solutions to stock trading issues. The book is available at

As a celebration of completing 15 years of spreading financial literacy, Malkansview is hosting a series of free educative events online to help spread awareness and educate the common man on the subject.

To be a part of this epic movement, join


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