Marketing research is not just a perfect science as it deals with people and their constantly changing feelings and behaviors, which are influenced by countless subjective factors. To conduct marketing research, a company should gather facts and opinions in an orderly or objective way to find out what people want to buy and not just what the sellers want to sell them. The most important task of a marketer is to get “the right product at the right place with the right price to the right person.” Besides, it is also necessary to go back and find whether consumer is getting optimum satisfaction, so that customer remains loyal. These aspects made it imperative for the marketers to conduct marketing research.
One of the world’s largest providers of market research studies, Wiseguy Research Consultants currently handling more than 8,00,000 market research reports in their repository that provide market data spanning across 13 industry verticals. The huge database of reports is sourced through more than 100 top market report publishers across the globe. Moreover, the product portfolio includes a plethora of premium market research reports, statistical reports, as well as subscription to their ‘raw data’ repository. Wiseguy Research aims to facilitate their clients with the maximum available market data through their single stop-portal.
In the past few years there has been a tectonic change over the market research industry. Decision makers in many companies have found and derived value from syndicated market research reports. However, the need for raw market data also hasn’t entirely vanished as a requirement from the research spectrum. The offerings of Wiseguy Research are in-line to these current necessities within the market research space. They are completely focused to provide optimum service to their clients by leveraging the massive repository of reports.
The Partners with Visions to provide a Solution
“Two heads are better than one”, and the company feels to be quite privileged to have two leaders as their driving forces. Suman Singh, CEO of Wiseguy Research Consulting, is fairly adept about the functioning of the research industry and provides the nurturing approach towards the organization’s growth. Her experienced hand in sales, human resource management, and research has helped steer the company’s momentum in a balanced fashion. Vinit Ketan, Managing Director, has been the cornerstone to the company’s success. His proficiency in marketing and sales, as well as never-ending thirst for new ideas has always provided a boost to company’s growth momentum.
The Game Changing Services Rendered by Wiseguy Research
For any market research company, the inherent challenge is in adjudging the exact client requirements. Wiseguy as a market research company also had to face the similar challenges in their initial days, to impart their value proposition to the clients. Furthermore, since they operate in a highly competitive industry it becomes imperative to constantly upgrade their publisher base to ensure improved capabilities for highly customized offerings. Overcoming all such difficulties and enhancing their strongest advantage, made the company possess one of the largest repositories of market studies across the globe. Wiseguy also provides a 24×7 sales as well as after-sales support services which is an epitome of the strong service policies they have imbibed into their work culture. Another major distinction is the ability to provide their client with highly customized solutions, which can be ensured through the strong partnership with their publishers.
An Insight into the Future of the Research Providers
New technologies and exciting innovations are constantly transforming the market research industry. The acceleration of automation adoption, evolution of research departments and focus on qualitative methods is moving the industry towards remote accessibility of market information as well as increased control over the data at hand. Owing to the high level of competition in the industry, upgradation of existing products as well as addition of new ones is quite critical for Wiseguy Research. Not only the company has to expand their offering base but also come up with improved solutions to ease their service provision to clients. The constant pursuit to improve client satisfaction has culminated into the development of a new offering. The cloud based repository would enable the company’s clients to access their purchased reports from anywhere across the sphere. The company is also working on enhancing these offerings to exponentially improve the value that their client shall derive from these market reports.
Although, Wiseguy Research continually devises various strategies to drive their future and made it possible to resolute their prime mission. All the efforts are directed to ensure that their clients are delighted to work with them towards and enhancing their client experience. The company is also working persistently to augment client satisfaction with the introduction of cloud-based services. Wiseguy believes, this service will not only allow remote access of reports, but also inculcate use of various statistical and analytical tools which would provide their client a highly enriched experience. Apart from the product developments, they are also tenaciously strived to improve the sales personnel’s intuitions to better judge their client’s requirements and provide appropriate solutions.
Wiseguy Research Consultants: Known for Delivering Promises