Zongluju Law Chambers: The Legal Pros Ensuring Justice is neither Delayed nor Denied


The law is the only means by which a wrong can be justly converted into a right. What you need is a law firm whose first, foremost, and only priority is your justice and which stands firmly on the principle of ‘Justice delayed is justice denied.’ There might be many law firms in the crowded space claiming they will bring you your rightful justice – though you know better, that claiming and proving are two different things. Zongluju Law Chambers is proving it with numbers––99% successful cases (total 950 won during 1200 trials) by its team of 22 seasoned professionals guided compassionately by The Legal Lady, Adv Jyoti Zongluju, the Founder and CEO.

To prove the point, given here are just two cases for example:

Case I: KANYA DOKE Vs TONGOM JAMOH [ case no. – Crl.Rev.P. 8/2020]   

This was a false check bounce case filed against KANYA DOKE by TONGOM JAMOH in the year 2013-2014. KANYA DOKE hired some lawyers from the local firm but they lost the case twice, once in CJM court and again the second time in District Session Court, Yupia because of the carelessness of the hired lawyers and KANYA DOKE was penalized with a fine of ₹11,00,000 (eleven lakhs only) and a jail term of 6 (six) months.

Adv Jyoti states, “So, with no options left, our client (KANYA DOKE) decided to take a chance as a last resort and made an appointment in our firm. At first, when I read the details of the case, it was found that the case was very critical and the order was already passed in favour of TONGOM JAMOH. But still, we decided to take a chance in the Hon’ble High Court of Itanagar Bench (Guwahati High Court) and started preparing for the case which was already lost. Our team worked very hard day and night burning the midnight oil and at last with lots of struggle, we won the battle: the order was passed in favour of our client KANYA DOKE and he was given a clean chit. When the positive order was informed to our client there were tears of joy in his eyes and this happiness that we see in our client drives us to do more and give our 100 percent.”

Case II: NYATER GADI Vs STATE OF A.P [U/Sec. 376/417 IPC read with sec 6 of POCSO Act]

The above-mentioned case was registered in District Session Court against army personnel posted in Jammu and Kashmir named NYATER GADI by his wife falsely alleging him of raping her just to settle her personal grudges. They were married in the year 2019 in accordance with the rites and ceremonies of the Galo Tribe and also consummated their marriage as per the practice prevailing in ‘the Galo tribe.

Adv Jyoti shares, “As the case was registered on a false allegation, our client NYATER GADI was arrested and kept in judicial custody for 14 days. As soon as our client was arrested, his (NYATER GADI’s) brother LARBOM GADI knew that the case was tough and only an eligible firm was capable of winning it. Believing it was “ZONGLUJU LAW CHAMBERS”, came to our office to express his grievance. And from the moment I came to know that it was a false allegation by his wife just to express her personal grudges, our team decided to take up the case. So, we started preparing for the case with sincerity, as the case was rigid in the eyes of law and it was very difficult to get bail in the POCSO act within 14 days of judicial custody. But, because of our positive and never give up attitude, professionalism and qualified talented hard-working team, we could convince the ‘Hon’ble Judge’ to grant a bail in favour of NYATER GADI securing his job and reputation.”

It is Adv Jyoti’s exemplary leadership which has been winning her numerous awards and accolades like,

  • India’s Independent Inspiration Young Lawyer of the Year 2022.
  • North East Samaritan Gold Medal 2022 (Received from Tara Gandhi, the Granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi and MC Mary Kom).
  • North East Unsung Hero Award 2021. 
  • India’s Inspirational Women Award 2020.

A Journey of Ever-Evolving Knowledge

Sharing her own journey in this profession, Jyoti recollects that she started her firm from a scratch putting in all the hard work, determination, willpower, consistency and sleepless nights with patience and perseverance being the key which led the firm to be prestigious and reputable. “With no one to guide me and no financial support and no proper space to handle my clients, I started taking cases in places such as cafes, restaurants or drawing room of my house, where I could consult my clients,” she reflects.

After saving enough money, Jyoti rented a room and started establishing the required elements for her office. Once the office was set up she named it ‘Zongluju Law Chambers (ZLC).’ Then she began hiring capable and qualified juniors. She then polished and shaped them to shine in the brightest way possible, always guiding them and motivating them in each and every step to be the smart workaholic professionals and the rest is history.

Sharing her professional values and qualities greatly admired by everyone around her, Jyoti says that all the traits of a good human being possessed by her come from her upbringing, “All the credit goes to my lovely blessed parents.” She has been praised for her passion and honesty towards her work by her clients, juniors, associates and colleagues as well on numerous occasions.

An Indestructible Power of Endurance

Since childhood, she has been a woman of utmost courage, honesty, integrity and character. “Whatever may be the situation, I have always loved myself for being straightforward but, with a touch of humbleness and down-to-earth nature,” insists Jyoti who has been blessed with the power of enduring trouble, inconvenience, suffering and any obstacles that may come her way with calmness and without haste.

One of the most interesting qualities which are often admired in her by everyone including herself is her curiosity and eagerness to always learn more and to acquire deep knowledge in any field she finds of interest. “I am never satisfied with my present knowledge; I always seek more and love to share it with others,” she says.

She is further blessed with the ability to use appropriate words to express feelings in order to convey the meaning of the scenario and to argue logically. She cites, “In my entire career I have never ever humiliated or showed disrespect to any judge or any senior advocates, by quarrelling with them.”

She also possesses an ability to express her arguments in a chronological sequence with the presence of mind which makes it convincing as well as helps to portray a clear picture of what she is trying to convey.

Highlighting the USPs of her law firm abbreviated as ‘ZLC, Jyoti says that the leading firm in Delhi has a branch office in Arunachal Pradesh, and reiterates that they work on the motto:

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”

She adds, “We prioritize delivering justice and satisfying our clients rather than monetary benefits and deception. Our firm is equipped with talented, hardworking, knowledgeable, professional associates each of them an expert in their respective fields; thereby working on versatile cases with a positive result on 99% of our cases. We work as a team, always ready to push each other beyond limits and having each other’s back.”

The firm not only provides legal services but also conducts legal awareness programmes in order to make the public aware of their rights through platforms and social media (The Legal Lady) and to encourage them not to follow criminal paths.

“From the moment a case is entitled to us, we converge our cent percent focus and energy towards the victory of the respective case. We visualize victory even before the case has been registered because we believe in ourselves and the teamwork we put in. No other firm in New Delhi and Arunachal Pradesh has as good teamwork and compatibility as we do because we work in harmony, respect each other, maintain decorum and discipline towards each other and on the whole towards our firm,” she claims, adding, “Till date, there is no client that has been left unsatisfied with our service and this is what makes our firm…

One of The Best Corporate and Commercial Legal Solution Providers

Telling more about Zongluju Law Chambers’ offerings and aspects that make it stand out in the current scenario, Jyoti says they offer services in hardcore litigation including Commercial matters, Arbitration, Banking and Finance not limited to other civil and criminal cases.

“Studying and analyzing the past years dealing in thousands of legal cases and having success till date, I am jubilant to say we stand atop. The dedication of my associates apart from my own efforts leads to the firm’s standing at the highest echelons of clients’ trust, which I am grateful to them, too, for their zealous energy, skills, and continuous hard work,” she says with gratitude.

In addition, being empanelled by the Central Government to look into legal cases on their behalf encourages Jyoti further to embrace the firm’s evolution in the long run. The firm not only provides a mere service but a dedicated service that satisfies the clients and with such success, it had never shadowed her dreams of having the firm’s constant growth. “With the reason stated herein, our firm stands apart always and forever,” claims Jyoti.

An Advanced Tech Impetus

Being an experienced leader, she shares her opinion on how the adoption of modern technologies impacts the legal industry and how ZLC is adapting to the change. According to her, the lawyers who were burdened with the workload of monotones, clerical, and repetitive tasks breathed a sigh of relief as digital technologies freed them and even made their jobs quicker and error-free. Modern tech has helped in evolving law practices by improving in-house teamwork, and information processing, streamlining legal departments and automating tasks and processes, thereby reducing costs, and increasing productivity.

Zongluju Law Chambers has always been tech-friendly and will continue to reap the benefits brought by modern tech. “Our firm is highly flexible, always stays updated with current technology and embraces new ways of working. Over time, tech helped us develop stronger strategies and deliver better legal services. As our firm looks after numerous cases from multiple states, it has only been possible to comfortably handle these cases because of digitalization. Sometimes it is impossible to travel to different states within a short period of time and there, technology comes in handy, where we can easily attend the cases through video conferencing. These days there are automated printers with high printing rates which helps in reducing time. Also, there are various useful software which help us to find relevant clauses and sections with a click of a button.”

She furthers that they always embraced technology, believing it enables lawyers to do more, do it better, do it faster and do it at a lower cost. “Those who do not adopt and embrace the change will get left behind and those who do shall always stay ahead of others. As a whole, modern technology has arrived in terms of assisting lawyers to do things faster, better and cheaper.”

On a Strategic Wisdom Expansion Path

Speaking about the challenges Jyoti says, in a growing business in a corporate era, opportunities and challenges demand innovative solutions. There is no specific challenge which she could pinpoint, but they will ensure that their clients’ cases will be handled with utmost care and legal guidance. “To overcome new challenges, we will also ensure that the steps taken today won’t create additional problems for the future while dealing with the cases in a rapidly changing industrial environment. Further, effective leadership will help to make most of the opportunities, creating sustainable growth,” she believes.

In her advice to legal enthusiasts, Jyoti expresses that being the first generation lawyer/advocate, she faced lots of hurdles in establishing her firm. It is not only about hard work but also to take steps intelligently. “To bear fruits, we need to plant the tree though it takes time. Likewise, I did give my best effort by not only obtaining and gaining knowledge of the law but also understanding the needs, and problems of the society in my own state which bring me thus far. With the growth of legal prospects in every field of industry, an aspiring entrepreneur wanting to venture into the legal arena must be equipped with the knowledge of the needs and wants of society having a strong bond to the law as laymen do not have. With fast-growing industry and economy, changing of generation, my advice is to put the relentless effort in understanding the legal issues around you with a research mindset which gives you not only knowledge but enhances your career graph.”

Swiftest Legal Service

On envisioning scaling ZLC’s operations and offerings in the future, Jyoti feels that every organization wants to scale rapidly and sets ambitious goals, visions, and missions to achieve its expected growth. However, rapid growth may be for a while if the firm or company can’t handle the increasing caseload or other future changes. Therefore, it’s important to build technology and an environment that can be converted to another business model or scaled as relevant in the future in accordance with the needs. “I won’t suggest or say to enter the competition with others promptly but to have a well-planned strategy equipped with the latest technology and updated legal knowledge in rendering fruitful results by understanding the ongoing legal issues of the society. We are among the reputed firms across India. Thus, looking forward, we hope to provide the best legal services with haste even in the future,” she concludes.

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