Aditi Choudhary: Awar Group’s Emerging Star and India’s Legal Business Consultant

Aditi choudhry
Aditi choudhry

Every profession, irrespective of its kind, size, and demographics, boils down to an emerging business entity called an enterprise in legal terms. Now billions of progressive minds have a professional drive by which they might excel in their niche.

Nonetheless, when it comes to turning that personally passionate professional drive into establishing and running a successful company amidst the oncoming legal challenges, they immediately need an exclusive legal business consultant, exactly like Aditi Choudhary, the CEO of Awar Group, emerging as the most crucial partner every organization must have.

Foundational Principles of Success

Speaking about their professional values, Aditi says, “Allow me to play a little astray here. Let me tell you how our team identified the four pillars of Awar Group. I safely assume that’s how we are reflecting to our clients.”

First and foremost: The Founder and Director AdvocateMr Shiv Kumar, coming from a humble background, put in his best efforts when he is protecting the interests of his client. He transforms himself into a business owner and thinks exactly what should be done to be ahead, to be safe, to fight and win for his client. He actually writes his dreams on paper and concentrates his efforts to realise them. He thinks of himself as a law student, although he is a lighthouse for new entrants to the legal space.

The SecondMr Veer Pal Singh is a man of implementation and auditing in the workforce, quality control and on-site observations. His uncanny ability to anticipate new policy changes and the dynamic business environment is remarkable. Being the Managing Director, he emphasises on mental alertness to accommodate more contemporary challenges at Awar Group as well as its associated business consultants.

The ThirdSantosh Khatana–after completing her management education, she truly applied her learning to propel Awar Group as the Managing Director. Her seamless approach across different segments within Awar Group and her extended team of experts enabled the smooth implementation of plans. An instant decision-maker, she coordinates with clients, and Awar Group keeps getting continuous feedback on her promptness while addressing clients’ concerns.

And the FourthAditi herself. Being CEO, her vision is crucial to Awar Group. She has an eagle eye on the whole business and ensures its growth. She is responsible for steering the ship during the rough weather. Her vision for the group keeps everyone jelled to a common goal. Apart from setting strategic goals, she is an equally tough taskmaster in implementing them. Clients reflect on her stewardship at Awar Group and value her opinion about their businesses.

Explaining the ‘reason why they started, Aditi says that, like most businesses, the commencement of their business can be attributed to an ardent desire to provide solutions to the most prevailing problem in the business world. When someone has a breakthrough/innovative solution to a problem or even wishes to start a regular business, they have a core competency to do specific work, while the business world is quite complex and needs a host of paraphernalia to be taken care of.

Your Perfect Leader Advisors

Giving an example, she says, “Just think of a new surgeon who wants to set up his neurology hospital in the city.” The surgeon knows very well how to operate brains, but how to operate a business is a different ball game. What kind of legal requirements do they need to go before they actually operate on their first patient?

Any guess! She asks and answers, “Maybe 25+ on the lower side.”

It may vary from dealing with a town planner, land approving authority, labour department, pollution department, health department, tax authorities, company affairs ministry etc. The poor surgeon wasn’t even exposed to something like registering a logo design or business name, forming a company, or protecting his business’ IPRs. They may have to run from post to pillar to seek a full set of approvals or face the risk of losing their identities in the hands of competition or, later, getting notices from different government agencies. If all such approvals and licences weren’t secured beforehand, it might boil down to litigations inflicting huge financial injuries. Who can save poor surgeon — of course, “We at Awar Group.”

Aditi informs that with two decades of experience and a strong team of empanelled experts, Awar Group is marching ahead to create a niche in legal business consulting.

Further giving a small Intro, she says they started exactly two decades back as a consulting firm catering to businesses in the legal space. Right from providing a stepping stone to their clients while setting up companies in the form of secretarial services to delivering them ongoing auditing services, enabling them to secure compliance certificates from a host of government agencies. “We are quality stakeholders of our clients. One may appoint us as full-fledged custodian of his business in legal space and focus on what they do best,” she claims.

Necessity is the Source of Inspiration 

Aditi believes that a sound business may arise from our own experience than inspiration. Being part of a large business family, they learned the hard way that doing business isn’t enough. There is a rule in law space “Ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse” in the court of law. And how many common businesspeople know all the rules? Almost none. It led them to search for a comprehensive service provider. They found either most of such consultants lacking in full domain knowledge or they were expensive like hell. But by then, they knew that any sustainable business has to be legally compliant and protected from competitors. “So, instead of inspiration, we got the ‘need’ to start this business.”

Dealing with and Winning Over Challenges 

In any consulting business, the most important thing is the ‘quality of consultation.’ Aditi says their first roadblock was to find qualified consultants. They were fortunate to have Mr Shivkumar Awar, a legal expert on corporate affairs, to play anchor to this business. Awar Group have four Co-founders, each one catering to a specific domain.

So challenges were tackled and resolved, and they kept scaling heights with the right momentum. Now synergies of their empanelled experts are well-oiled like they are part of the same roof. “We are well positioned to have a quantum jump and claim our spot in the top three firms of our space in Rajasthan and beyond,” she states.

Integrity – Our Core Value

Aditi shares that they ensure complete secrecy of competing businesses. They enter into a non-disclosure agreement with external experts to ensure the highest integrity if needed. As the saying goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure,’ they thrive on pre-empting litigations, making them invaluable to their clients along with diligence.

Being an experienced leader, Aditi advises budding aspirants wishing to venture into the business world, “We would love to say to the new entrants that never underestimate the law of the land related to your business.” One small ignorance may leave the whole business redundant. Never cut corners when hiring advisers, CA and doctors, as their incompetency may cost almost everything.

On envisioning Awar Group’s operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools that are revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations, Aditi divulges that Legal Advisory is a unique solution for every client. AI or other automated tools are not replacements for people in different departments. So they don’t have imminent impending threats from such technological issues. “Still, technological evolution is a reality, and instead of being scared, we look forward to harnessing its capabilities to scale up our business,” she concludes.

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