Aishwarya Behera, a professionally mighty Trade Validator at BNP Paribas, started her career at Deutsche Bank, where she worked in Stock Lending and Borrowing – Exposure and Collateral Management for two years. Her responsibilities then were agreeing to deliver/receive margin based on Stock borrow/loan settlement and mark-to-market activity and investigating and resolving pricing discrepancies between internal and external prices, to name a few. She also worked extensively to close the business to migrate the process and clients from Deutsche Bank to BNP Paribas.
After working for a few months at BNP, Aishwarya moved to a new process through internal mobility, which was a great opportunity for her as it was a process of migrating from Singapore to the India branch. This involved one-month travel to Singapore for Business training from the onshore team. While working on Interest Rates, she had little knowledge of Interest Rates Swaps and Futures. However, with the help of Onshore training and team support Aishwarya developed knowledge and multi-tasking skills. Successfully their process came live in December 2022.
Aishwarya is very passionate about her work and has been fortunate to work with people who have inspired her to grow and accept challenges. She looks forward to further enhancing her career through personal and professional excellence.