Aptsource Software: Redefining Healthcare with Leading-edge Technologies

Aptsource Software

The global healthcare industry is expected to witness a stable growth during the current financial year and will cross $1.85 trillion mark in terms of manufactures’ revenues. Digital health investments had crossed $6.5 billion in 2017, up by 109% from its previous year. The growth curve is expected to continue into the next year as demand for technologies and platform solutions that promote innovation around quality of care, clinical outcomes, and chronic disease management continue to rise. The desire to cater changing needs with utmost efficiency and precision is driving medical institutions towards organizations that can fulfill their Heath-tech needs.
Kolkata based Aptsource Software is one such organization that has gained prominence with their cutting-edge IT-healthcare solutions. This ISO27001 certified organization has built a good repute in the industry for their expertise in health informatics. Through technology and architecture innovations, Aptsource has so far been quite successful in bringing state-of-the-art HIT applications within the affordable budget of healthcare providers in the emerging economies as well as certain under-served segments in developed countries.
Aptcare is their comprehensive and configurable practice management solution that has been built while keeping the international standards in mind. The organization provides derivative web based solutions based on Aptcare for ambulatory care, rehabilitation, and community health settings. The derivatives address needs of healthcare providers ranging across chronic ailments, smoking, alcohol, drug cessation management, mother & child care, and more.
Recent and Upcoming Releases
Aptsource has recently launched AptcareP, an advanced version of Aptcare. It is a cloud based practice management platform meant to make ambulatory care services in India more patients centric. It is primarily meant for clinics, hospital OPDs and solo practitioners.
The company is also ready to release its new app PatientConnect which will connect all registered patients on the AptcareP platform to doctor’s offices for appointment scheduling, online payment, sharing of clinical data and documents which is generally required for continuity of care.
Recently, Aptsource has launched its new app- Vaxialert, a utility app that reminds parents in advance about the schedule of next vaccination for their wards.
In addition to its product offerings, Aptsource takes pride in its solution consulting services that encompasses Enterprise IT Strategy, Health care Informatics, Maturity Planning & Execution and algorithms related to population health risk assessment and disease prevention.
Leading Lights of Aptsource
Manisha Chowdhury and Sreekumar Banerjee are the driving forces of Aptsource Software. Manisha, an electronics and communication engineer is the Co-Founder and CEO of Aptsource. She has a vast experience of over 25 years in the IT industry and has far-reaching exposure to various healthcare solutions across various technologies. Prior, she used to lead the analytic solutions and services practice area for healthcare in Siemens.
Sreekumar Banerjee, a M.Sc. (Master of Science) in Physics is the Co-Founder and CTO of Aptsource. He also has a robust corporate experience of over 27 years and has successfully served as solution head along with various business leadership positions across global IT multinationals that include Siemens, IBM and others.
While working in the R&D departments of renowned multinationals, both Manisha and Sreekumar developed their passion for healthcare informatics. They came together to develop, acquire, and integrate HIT capabilities for quick turnaround of software solutions for efficient service delivery and better decision support. The prime motivating factor behind Aptsource’s inception is to make a difference in people’s lives through usage of right tools and technology that could help to improve patient experience and overall clinical outcome. Aptsource was founded by the duo with intent to freely pursue such ideas and deliver appropriate solutions that could make the health care delivery process more agile and affordable.
Golden Words for the Budding Entrepreneurs
“It is great to have ideas but one should always allow one’s very own ideas to evolve and change through careful listening and a process of constant learning. It is extremely important to acknowledge your own shortcomings and build a team to complement the same. It is never a good idea to believe that you can do it all by yourself” asserts Manisha.
Strategy to Stay Competent
The organization gives special emphasis on creating a dynamic learning environment that promotes knowledge sharing. They take initiative to identify employees who are eager to learn and have capability to grasp concept at good pace. The company constantly motivates such employees to obtain, assimilate and apply that knowledge which ultimately assists diligent employees to emerge as SME in various fields of HIT. While some build expertise in EMR and EHR, others concentrate on FHIR to constantly learn and adapt to the evolving regulatory landscape of healthcare across the globe.
Aptsource’s Widely Acclaimed Product
One of their flagship product, AptcareHMS has been highly appreciated in the industry. This product provides the power of computing in the hands of healthcare providers instead of software engineers. AptcareHMS has the capability to accommodate diverse range of physicians and healthcare providers across geographies by customizing data structures, screens, processes and more. Its easy-to-implement customization using scripts rather than changing codebase has contributed towards its vast acceptance.
Businesses Grow on Trust Factor and Understanding the Client Needs
Based on the ‘trust factor’ a relationship can last long. This hypothesis has been proved right by Aptsource. Trust comes from the confidence that the team is there for the customer any hour they need them. While looking for newer opportunities they take utmost care to support their existing customers.
For the version of Aptcare (rehab) that they had rolled out for multiple clinics of Allen Carr in the UK, their customer initially did express concerns about the fact that the company does not have any branch office in the UK. Nevertheless today after years of association they do not feel that physical distance or time zones could ever become any criteria for selecting a vendor. It is their excellent customer service that paid in the end.
The company always focused into understanding the client requirements to better develop solutions that closely matched with clients’ needs and expectations. Networking and partnering with companies that offer complementary solutions is also something that Aptsource believes are important facets of business management
The Finest part of Aptsource
The best part of Aptsource is the atmosphere of trust and happiness among employees and customers. They are not only blessed with a motivated workforce but also with plenty of satisfied customers whose trust and confidence often make them oblivious of the boundaries between customer and vendor organizations.
Aptsource’s adept workforce is their real strength and often when things do not proceed as per expectation, they provide enormous flexibility to their personnel to take new role in the interest of the company. Such collective efforts have greatly helped them in overcoming their challenges; turn around and acquire new contracts. Their customers have also acted like partners by introducing Aptsource to other solid prospects. Customer recommendations and references have helped Aptsource in many ways to acquire new business and build lasting relationships. All these are the results of client satisfaction which is assisting the company to reach greater heights in business.
Future Endeavour and Benefits to Customers
In the coming times, Aptsource is aspiring to transform into a pure product based company through steady acceleration of growth through the software as service business in entire India. They expect a significant number of healthcare providers will join their multi-tenancy practice management platform, AptcareP.
Their platform will empower healthcare providers with a web based practice management system at an affordable cost in order to offer best services to their patients. This will boost the visibility of registered clinics through an online presence. More number of patients would be able to discover and connect with medical practitioners. And this will ultimately assist healthcare providers in continuity of care through patient retention, easy follow up and referral mechanisms based on simple and intuitive workflow implementation.

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