“The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.”
– Michelle Obama
Most people have a romanticized version of who an entrepreneur is. But I guess it’s not their fault, they’re bombarded with Facebook humblebrags of entrepreneurs working from the comfort of a beach while sipping onto a pint of beer; they read excerpts about newly minted billionaires and don’t even get me started on the things that the TV shows.
One thing that we all as entrepreneurs have in common is the will to dream and a burning desire to achieve it. Being an entrepreneur is a way of life and not just a career choice. It consumes most of our lives and changes our perspective and approach to different things in life.
Everything that comes at us, becomes subject to evaluation and this high-level perspective changes the way we tackle demanding circumstances. It’s genetically pre-dispositioned in our DNA to merely survive but thrive towards passion.
Our species has proved day by day, that we have more than just survived; we’ve quite literally thrived, achieving eccentric results with our wild-eyed innovations and outlook on life. Not only do we wish to get the moon, but we also shoot for the stars.
Call it the pre-requisites of our job; it has never been easy for us to achieve our desired goals. But coupled with our gluttonous hunger for fulfilment and our yearning to run on the ostensibly endless epicurean treadmill – we have a track record of reaching for something better and bigger.
The biggest hurdle people face in the course of achieving their goals is that they fail to set them right or even if they do, their approach towards it is all wrong. The best and most acquired way to achieve any goal in life is to not only set them in the right way but also to plan and execute their actions in accordance.
For many people, New Year brings a fresh start to their life, however, for most these goals don’t see the light of the day. In fact, according to one study by the University of Scranton, only eight percent of goals set on New Year’s Eve is actually achieved.
The speed at which people create their New Year resolutions is directly proportionate to the speed at which the urge to see them through mellows down.
Achieving any goal comes with a statutory clause of being consciously aware of our actions and self-discipline. In our case, it requires an abiding determination to our actions and an implacable urge to want the desired goal.
Moreover, there is a proven system for achieving any goal which involves seven separate steps and a system called SMART goal setting. A SMART goal, an acronym, allows us to break down the process and achieve our goals that the heart desires.
1 (S) — Get Specific about your goals
The first step in the SMART method of goal setting is to ensure that the goals you wish to achieve are specific and realistic. It should be measurable so that, you can track the success of your goal.
If you want your goal to materialize, you NEED to be specific about it. It must move from your mind into the reality. You literally need to detail out all that you want to achieve.
2 (M) – Ensure that your goals are Meaningful
Take a deep breath and dig deep to think about the meaning behind your goals. It has to be profound and something big, that you’re willing to sacrifice everything for. Write this down somewhere as this is one of the most important steps in the process.
When the dreams and meanings involve things that are close to our heart, we go out of the way to make them turn into reality. We always do more to achieve goals that have a deep rooted meaning behind them.
3 (A) – Pick goals that are Achievable
Pick goals that are achievable, or else wait for the longest time to achieve them. For most entrepreneurs, it is very exhilarating to have goals that are hard to achieve. Once you have set your goals right, you’re fuelled with eagerness of achieving them.
Goals that are big have a higher rate of achievement. Plan your goals in advance so that they act as milestones for you to achieve.  Last but not the least, chalk out the action plan that helps you get through the process.
4 (R) – Pick goals that are Relevant
How relevant are the goals that you’ve selected? Do they resonate with your beliefs and life values?
Are you thinking, how to pick relevant goals for your life? The best way is to take a moment to write down your values and beliefs. For example, if honesty is a must in your value list, yet you think that all rich people are twisted and somehow get their way through, in some furtive or sneaky methods, you will definitely find it difficult to achieve those big money minting goals.
You’ll find that the entire journey of achieving your goals has suddenly become much more fluid when you pick and choose the ones that are relevant to you.
5 (T) – Make sure the goals are Time – Bound
When do you plan on achieving your goal? Don’t just have obscure goals for yourself by ensuring you set a rigid timeline for all your goals. Pick a date and mark it on the calendar to one particular date.
When you allot a specific date to your goals, they are easy to track and you can break it down into monthly and weekly goals.
The goals of an entrepreneur are very much like an airplane journey. We are in the hurry of reaching our final destination and making that smooth landing. But for that we need to be clear of where our destination is and how much time is it going to take us to reach there.
Isn’t all this very simple sounding? But clearly far rigid to implement. 

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