Ingenicomm: Virtuosic Engineering Services & Ground System Electronics


Ingenicomm is an award-winning provider of engineering services and ground system electronics to the aerospace market. Founded in 2010, Ingenicomm supports virtually every major space agency in the US and around the globe, and proudly claims to have deployed equipment on every continent, including Antarctica.
Amit Puri, President & CEO of Ingenicomm, has been serving since the company’s founding. Born in India, Mr. Puri moved to the US to attend Virginia Tech. After graduating, Puri joined Avtec Systems, and eventually rose through the ranks to head the company’s ground system products division. Having left Avtec to found Ingenicomm, Puri has leveraged his technical and management skills and domain expertise to consistently increase market share, provide superior financial growth, and lead change in the competitive aerospace market.
Products and services together
Ingenicomm provides a range of management, engineering, and support services for various elements of manned and unmanned space missions, including spacecraft integration and testing, ground systems development, and mission planning and operations. In conjunction with these services, Ingenicomm manufactures modular ground system equipment, including modems, front-end processors, recorders, gateways, integrated test sets, and signal conversion devices.
The synergy between the company’s product and services portfolios is a unique competitive advantage that has been crucial to Ingenicomm’s growth. From a financial standpoint, this synergy has allowed the company to aggressively grow revenue while maintaining both high aggregate margins and stable month-to-month cash flow. From a technology standpoint, Ingenicomm’s deep understanding of product design has allowed the company to provide superior services to customers when integrating third-party products. At the same time, Ingenicomm’s experience with technology commercialization allows the innovative solutions developed to support the unique requirements of individual customers to be transformed into turn-key product offerings.
A Passion for Space
Deeply committed to supporting the scientific and exploratory space missions flown by agencies like NASA and NOAA, Ingenicomm is driven by a shared vision and sense of purpose: leveraging advanced technologies to unleash innovation for the benefit of mankind. The common set of values that arises from this mindset was shared by the founders of the company and has been embraced by every subsequent employee; Ingenicomm’s collective passion for this vision is one of the key reasons for the company’s success, and a critical element in its overall strategic thinking.
Ingenicomm’s footprint includes a range of high-profile customers including the International Space Station, the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes, NASA’s Space and Near-Earth networks, and virtually all of NOAA’s weather forecasting and climate research missions, including GOES, POES, and JPSS. Ingenicomm also supports a number of critical early warning and missile detection systems, including SBSS, SBIRS, and NFIRE.
The Future is Now
Looking forward, Ingenicomm has turned its eyes to the rapidly expanding small satellite market, introducing turn-key automated ground station solutions that can greatly reduce integration complexity and total system cost while providing the flexibility needed for technology demonstration and experimental payloads. Ingenicomm has established a comprehensive technology development roadmap for the next several years, encompassing a number of cutting-edge software and hardware development efforts to support this market, including new technologies for signal processing, data acquisition, and test automation. In the long term, Ingenicomm aims to provide a complete portfolio of turn-key ground systems and flight systems that will enable an ever-increasing number of small satellite missions.
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