Letscampout: A Connecting Bridge between Corporate and Nature

Abhijeet Mhatre | Founder | Letscampout[sanitation management, camp outsourcing, pawana Camping, entrepreneurship, business ideas]
Abhijeet Mhatre | Founder | Letscampout

A few centuries ago, people’s jobs were reliable mostly on primary resources which needed them to interact with nature. Even during the times of the great Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s era, most of the day to day work emphasized on getting along with nature. This ultimately helped a person lead a happy and healthy life.

In recent times, everyone is so much engrossed in their desk jobs and social media world that they usually forget to connect with nature. Hence, to rebuild the closeness with nature, Letscampout offers various personalized corporate team outbound events. Letscampout is into deploying organized campsites in a different yet beautiful location near metropolitan cities.

Started in 2010, Letscampout brings in innovation while building and empowering local communities. To achieve this, the company partners with villagers. It enables local residents to stand on their own feet with the help of the technology.

A Dynamic Entrepreneur

Abhijeet Mhatre is the Founder of Letscampout, possessing over 10 years of expertise in experiential activities, camping and event camping. He started his career at ICICI bank and has contributed to various Fortune 500 companies including CITI, AVAYA and HSBC.

Though he had the dream-life that many imagin, he always wanted to make a difference in the field of outdoor adventures. Since his childhood days, Abhijeet dreamt of building a community that is inclined towards outdoor sports and adventure.

After gaining experience from such giant companies, Abhijeet decided to start a camping and adventure startup. At the time of the inception of the organization, the camping industry was not known to many. This paved the way for Abhijeet and his team to become a leading player. He then took over the event camping space which the organization still dominates.

Abhijeet is an entrepreneur who is totally passionate about living and promoting the camping experiences across all his clientele segments including students, families, youth and corporate. Abhijeet states, “Having a company started when there were very few players around gives us a sense of accomplishment.”

Environment Friendly Innovations

Dominating the outdoor adventure industry for around a decade, Letscampout further moved into the Intelectual Property creation sector. The best examples are Out and Loud featuring Kabir Cafe & Band and The Great Indian BBQ Fest. Apart from these, Letscampout has been also conducting Camping Festival IP with the name The Open Space Fest.

Taking the maximum advantage of the current technological advancements, Abhijeet and his team are providing an innovative experience to its clients. The main concern these days is waste management. Most of the outdoor activities and events are based in a remote area, deep into nature. The major problem arises when it comes to maintaining an eco-friendly environment.

Focusing on this emerging waste and sanitation management problem, Letscampout came up with a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. The company has been making pallet wood toilets by using recyclable waste wood. The company has also filed a patent for the same.

Abhijeet adds, “Our portable wooden toilets have been well accepted and lauded by our entire client base. Sanitation was a major concern in the outdoor industry and we have fixed it. New generation entrepreneurs follow us. Our whole idea is to empower locals in the village to lead a self-sustainable lifestyle. Our franchise program helps budding village entrepreneurs to set up a campsite that they run as per Letscampout standards. This enables us to grow as well as partner with the locals.”

Customer Oriented Programs

The aim of corporate outbound activities is to enhance the bond and productivity of a team. Majorly focusing on teamwork and team building, Letscampout has designed the program with respect to the requirements.

Apart from night treks and camping, the organization offers activities like firewalks, paintball in the jungle and rope-based activities where one can have fun and learn at the same time.

USPs of Letscampout

  • Understanding the client’s requirements and their needs and pain points.
  • Designing programs while consulting trainers and clients.
  • Executing programs as per plan
  • Assessment with clients and trainers.
  • Documentation of the requirements and programs.
  • Communication of the details with the stakeholders.

Feedback Based Training

The outbound training market is still stuck with the age-old methodology. This, in turn, limits the learning motive. The best way to keep updating the programs is through feedback and recall of the events at the workplace.

For Letscampout, clients’ opinion has a crucial role in the planning of a program. The programs are crafted based on the clients’ requirement and their budget. Along with the NLP certified trainer the programs are designed through a call or video conference.

Post-training, the company ensures that its clients give them feedback. Through this feedback, Letscampout tries to overcome the shortcomings. This eventually has helped the organization to keep getting better with the time.

To this, Abhijeet adds, “We believe in 360-degree training/learning programs as whatever experience a user has at training, reflects on how they inculcate in their jobs and how it leads to efficiency.”

Future Endeavours

Letscampout plans to expand itself all over the country. Letscampout aims at making itself a synonym to camping. It will further enhance the already existing world-class facilities along with the experiential training programs.

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