Minnat Hashmi: An Enthusiastic Leader with a Vision to Succeed

Minnat Hashmi

Efficacious business leadersare the ones who consider that their decision making skills are as carefully honed as their combatskills. They have an unrelenting desire to succeed. They overcome all the obstacles in order to achieve their goals and lead the company towards growth and prosperity.
One such leader with an innovative streak and an indomitable yearning to succeed is Minnat Hashmi, the Founder and Director of i tech Solutions(A division of Jobsvala Group of Companies).According to him, growth of a business is equally more important just as sustaining the existing business is, be it any sector or a business.
Hallmarks of a Successful Frontrunner
Minnat feels that successful leadersshould be intuitive, explorative, and creative. They should inculcate the attitude of a life-long learner and should be reflective. He feels that being passionate about work is necessary. It helps one to dedicate their time towards achieving their goals nomatter what comes in their way; their dedication and hard work overcomes all.
An Arduous Journey to Success
Minnat was too young when he left home. He started his career with a small factory as a labour. Eventually he came to Mumbai to chase his dream of becoming an actor. Struggle was a part of his everyday life. It was not easy to even have proper shelter and food. He spent several nights at railway stations and streets. Later,he started doing field sales job and other odd jobs.
Eventually, he took up a job in BPO, due to which he was able to manage his further studies and establish “i tech Solutions”which helped him to grow and expand his business across India. i tech Solutions comes among top 3 consultant in Mumbai ( As per Timesjobs Report ). Now he has several offices across India and plans to establish an office in Dubai soon. Under his leadership, the company has also launched their own job portal named “www.Jobsvala.com” in 2008.
In the year 2014, he decided to start a security guard company named “Allied Guard Force Security Services” which is well known security agency in Mumbai for its exemplary services. Eventually, he decided to do something to achieve his dream and decided to start up his own production house, “Hashmi Films Entertainment”.
An Industrious and Passionate Leader
Minnat describes himself as a consistent leader and work is his focal passion.Apart from that he loves acting as well. He is always ready to work at any time of the day, and works for atleast 16 hours every day.
His father is his greatest role model because he had exceptional determination.He always took time to help those who are less fortunate and that inspired Minnat to emulate in his own life. His father supported Minnat throughout his career and stood for him throughout all the ups and downs in his life. At times he got demotivated and decided to go back to his native place, but his father’s constant love and support boosted his confidence and inspired him to march ahead  positively towards making his dreams come true. He attributes his success to his father and says that whatever he is right now is all because of his father’s support.
Noteworthy Accomplishments
Minnat has accomplished numerous landmarks throughout his illustrious career. He has been awarded as ‘Young Entrepreneur -2016’ (by Indian Achiever Forum in Delhi). He was also nominated in the UK for the ‘Global Rising Star-2017’. Under his astute leadership, i tech Solutions received the Best Staffing Organisation-2018 Award (by Times Ascent & World HRD Congress in Mumbai). Also, Global Achievers magazine published an article on his success (April,2018- Dubai). He considers these awards & recognitions asa symbol of the blessings that he has received from all throughouthis journey.
Spearheading through the Industry
Under Minnat’s percipient leadership, the company deals into recruitment and staffing business (temporary and permanent), wherein they help people in finding the right job. His motive behind sticking to this particular industry was not just to earn profits but it’s a different happiness to see a person smile & making their life easy by providing a right job to them.
Minnat asserts that nowadays there are numerous recruitment firms,where they convince a candidate to join any industry irrelevant of their qualification or area of interest,just considering an individual’s necessity and out of their selfish motive to make better profits.
This action has an impact on their career from future perspective. He feels that providing right guidance to an individual becomes very important.
Future Strategies
Minnat wishes to succeed in other sectors that he might soon get into. As of now, he is planning to balance his career and business, and his passion to be a good actor.
Advice for Budding Entrepreneurs
Minnat suggests up-and-coming entrepreneurs to work hard and find a way to achieve what they love. They may face challenges and get disappointed as life is not easy. He also adds that if life would have been so easy then every second person in this world would have been a business mogul.
Source :-The 10 Most Influential Consulting Leaders to Watch in 2018

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