Nishma Makhija: Canvassing Compassionate Hearts Artistic Wizardry

Nishma | Studio33 Architects
Nishma | Studio33 Architects

A passionate artist is like a magician casting artistically magical spells after spells. Powered by a fervent heart, the eternal force of creativity compels the wise mind to explore yet unexplored vistas of imagination and bring to the world something refreshingly new.

This voyage of discovering and rediscovering novel avenues of universal bliss is the human story of the pursuit of happiness. However, the happiness, the bliss, the peace, and the serenity remain incomplete and keep decreasing if not shared with fellow human beings.

It is the realm of compassion where a benevolent heart and altruistic mind expands the perpetual bliss by sharing it with as many hearts, minds, and souls as possible. A dominion where passionate hearts magical artistry transcends into compassionate hearts artistic wizardry. A beautiful landscape where dwells Nishma Makhija, the Artist of Nishmabraavo_art; a sphere where everything is spellbindingly arty.

An Enticing Saga of Pursuing Magnificence

Nishma shares, “I am an artist since my childhood. I loved colouring, painting, scribbling, calligraphy, and all other art forms. Though I am an Architect by profession but an artist inside me has never taken a backseat. In the field of architecture too, I always try and be as creative as possible. Coming back to my canvas and painting after a long day at work soothes my mind and synchronises my peace within.”

Nishma kept creating art pieces of different forms and sizes along with her regular architectural work. And indeed she gets lots of appreciation for her art every time she makes something. This positive feedback from her people and friends around her, motivated her to take steps forward and start an art venture of her own.

Nishma reveals, “Therefore, I introduced Nishmabraavo_art to the world. My name is Nishma, and my brand name is Nishmabraavo_art. I named my brand in the loving memory of my first pet Braavo. Braavo and art are my pursuits of happiness.”

She started this venture professionally with passion at the beginning of 2022. Creatively making what the client imagines on canvas and giving it her own colours makes Nishma and her clients happy.

As an artist, she feels blessed to be able to make art pieces in the form of paintings for others which beautifies their living and working spaces even more. Beautiful artwork does magic to the interiors. It gives life to walls! An artist has the power to record and paint unforgettable memories on any base to never let some moments fade away. “We express through art!” feels Nishma.

An Inspirational Daughter

Nishma’s inspiration to start Nishmabraavo_art was very simple. It was her little three-year-old daughter who inspired her wholly. Nishma says, “My daughter loves when I paint because I am happiest with my brushes, base, colours etc. She loves participating too.”

Nonetheless, the way Nishma’s daughter colours and paints with her is super amazing for her age! She inspires Nishma to paint every day by praising artworks and even becoming her mother’s critic when needed. “My daughter pushes me to do better and learn new things which boost my interest and henceforth I crave to being a better artist each day. As we say, children are god’s messengers, so yes, my child is my inspiration to be an artist,” expresses Nishma.

Erasing the Challenges

Speaking about the challenges she has to face, Nishma says, “I feel the major challenge in the art industry is to go beyond one’s capabilities for selling the artworks.”

Creating artwork with any medium, in any form is very simple because that’s what passion is. But when it comes to selling, it gets challenging because people have the tendency to judge the painting by its selling price and not the actual idea and hard work behind creating the same. A painting as small as 4×4 inches can be very expensive depending upon how and what an artist has created with it. “So yes, the challenge according to me is the evaluation,” thinks Nishma.

A Craft Resonating with Your Heart

Speaking about her exceptionally professional values and qualities admired by her clients, Nishma says, “I feel my clients value the fact that through Nishmabraavo_Art I try and create something that fulfils the expectations and imaginations of my client.”

Nishma first truly understand in detail, what the client is exactly looking for to beautify their space and then she offers her bests of best through her paintings which all of her clients have been satisfied with, to date.

Nishma adds, “My principle is to see my client happy whenever he/she gazes at my artworks in their houses or workspaces. Because paintings live with you, too, as it transforms your moods and behaviour!”

Painting thy Minds Canvass

As per Nishma her USP is to be very flexible with her artworks, be it size, medium, or design. And she tries and maintains a deadline in her mind so as to hand over the painting well in time to her clients. “My paintings intersect in between landscaping and abstraction,” mentions Nishma.

The most selling products of the Nishmabraavo_art brand are evil eye paintings and other astrological paintings like lotus flowers, green landscape art and textured paintings.

Redefining Wisdomful Artistry

Being an experienced artist Nishma’s advice to aspiring artists who are wishing to enter the creative profession is simple. She says, “On professional grounds, I’d like to suggest my fellow artists to keep practising something new each day as practice makes the man perfect. And to never give up, no matter what the situation. Let our work define us always.”

Brand Nishmabraavo_art’s Vision

Nishma adds, “My brand’s vision is to reach as many people as possible across the globe. Technology has helped us big time in reaching millions across.”

Nishma wants people to enlighten themselves with the beauty of art and its importance. “In today’s super tech world, I’ll always try that my artworks reach across as many living spaces as possible,” concludes Nishma.