RK Electro: An Ace Player in the Semiconductor Arena

Shivang Luthra | Managing Director | Rk Electro India
Shivang Luthra | Managing Director | Rk Electro India

Electronic gadgets have become smaller, quicker, and more dependable as semiconductor technology has advanced over the last 50 years. Consider all your interactions with technological gadgets for a moment. In the previous 24 hours, how many have you seen or used? Electronic materials were used to create critical components in each.

A single semiconductor chip contains the same number of transistors as all the stones in Giza’s Great Pyramid. Now, there are more than 100 billion integrated circuits in operation worldwide—roughly the same number of stars in our galaxy.

It is a contemporary marvel, a miracle of human creativity and innovation that no other industry can match. Ramakrishna Electro Components Pvt. Ltd. is one of the finest semiconductor distribution companies to bring the best of this industry to Electronics manufacturers in India.

RK electro is a Semiconductor distribution company having a presence across India besides Singapore and Hong Kong. It is a team of over 100 people with the excellent domain expertise to help customers serve them for their semiconductor and its supply-chain requirement. The company is led by two strong pillars Mr Shivang Luthra, Managing Director, and his father, Mr Satish Luthra, Chairman, and Founder. Read ahead for more insights on the semiconductor industry.

The Powerful Duo

Mr Shivang Luthra is from the second generation in his family and is leading along with Mr Satish Luthra. Mr Shivang Luthra joined this business a few years ago when he returned from the USA after completing his study in professional courses.

The Genesis of RK

The Chairman, Mr Satish Luthra, established this semiconductor business in the early 80s in India with its humble beginning and futuristic vision. His strong belief in India’s growth story, the anticipation of strong electronics market growth, leadership and entrepreneurship skills have brought RK to a leadership position in the semiconductor industry.

An Array of Services

  • Components – A wide range of electronic components that include semiconductor devices, passives, electromechanical, LEDs, connectors, Memory etc.
  • Technology – RK provides extensive technical and application support, including reference designs and design services.
  • Service – The company provides extensive supply chain and consolidation services for customers’ BOM parts.

Since the onset of the COVID-19, RK also started a medical vertical where the company provides an extensive range of medical equipment like Patient monitoring systems, ECG Machins, Syringe pumps, Infusion pumps, Oxygen concentrators, Oxymeter, PPE kits etc.

Looking at the Bigger Picture

Rather than challenges, RK focus on opportunities in the Semiconductor Industry. Today’s market is global. Customers expect global networks and associations to bring anything and everything associated with their electronics manufacturing in India on their table at competitive prices and a hassle-free supply chain.

This brings RK an opportunity and challenges both. It is challenging because the company faces global competition. It is an opportunity because RK keeps pushing itself to meet customer expectations that are continuously rising.

Keeping Everyone Safe

At the onset of COVID-19 last year, as a safety protocol – work from home, freezing of business travel plans, frequent sanitisation of workplaces etc. were implemented immediately. RK made the core team to assist employees and their families with medical and other required resources for staying home safely.

The company participated with clients in easing their financial stress with extended credit terms and inventory management so that they can run their productions as smoothly as possible.

COVID-19 has posed an unimaginable challenge to businesses, lifestyles, and lives due to its recurring waves and deadly nature. The world is learning to live with this pandemic reality. The team of RK says, “We can only hope to return to normal life at the soonest with vaccination and change in lifestyles to make stronger immune system. As an organisation, we are taking all possible initiatives to help our employees, customers, and everyone in our reach for their safety.”

Expert Advice

Advising the young generation, Shivang says, “Technology will lead the life and society. So, follow the technology trends. Innovation, adaption, and skill improvement are some of the key things we are always advocating for our team and customers. Whether it is individual capacity building or team capacity augmentation, we are spending resources for continuous training for domain expertise to make ourselves lead from the front to reach customers and serve them.”

Leading towards a Bright Future

The team aspires to have global footprints. Currently, it is present in Hong Kong, Singapore, and India. Europe and the USA are the company’s next possible destinations to increase its global reach.

The current tight situation of the Semiconductor supply side has brought a lot of attention from government and industry associations. The government has already encouraged policy frameworks to boost electronics manufacturing in India and create an ecosystem even for semiconductor manufacturing. “We are very hopeful and positive to lead in this industry. It has enormous potential,” says Shivang.

“From a humble beginning decades ago, it has been an incredible journey for us. Our belief in India’s growth story remains as strong as ever,” adds Shivang.

Current Know-how

With Industry Estimates Semiconductor global market stands over 500B USD in 2021. In INDIA, it is estimated to be around 50B$. Currently, the government of India is making concerted efforts in framing policies and enabling the industry for sustainable growth and leading global electronics manufacturing. The government has taken major targets for itself for inviting sizeable FDIs and setting up 200 Electronics manufacturing clusters under their National Policy on Electronics (NPE). All these have cascading effects, and commutatively RKE sees very bright prospects.

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