Techno Ruhez: Unboxing the Novel Tech Gadgets Daily with Fun

Novel tech gadgets keep hitting the shop shelves and eCommerce platforms every day. And when you are in search of a necessary device for yourself, then the market traps you in its matrix of never-ending heightened expectations sensational conundrum. Finding a way out of it is bamboozling, and if your need is urgent, you might end up buying a product that makes you regret your decision forever.

Of course, there are many ways to find the most suitable gadget. But most of them are only information heavy. And often, they are misleading or unhelpful.

Sensing this scenario with his keen smartness, Ruhez Amrelia Founded his trendy Indian YouTube Channel, Techno Ruhez. And within a span of seven years garnered tremendous popularity and a 3.4 million subscriber base which is ever-growing.

In an Interview with Insights Success, Ruhez is unboxing his own fun-filled and thrilling journey of YouTubing the novel tech gadgets daily with fun for you. Enjoy the highlight of that discussion ahead.

Ruhez, please tell us about yourself.

My name is Ruhez Amrelia, and I’m a 32-year-old Youtuber. On Techno Ruhez, I bring reviews of all the latest and greatest phones, mobiles, other tech gadgets like laptops, tablets, earphones, and desktop PCs etc., and daily tech news with tips and tutorials.

My goal is to intrigue you with the latest reviews about new tech Gadgets and daily tech news, inform complete beginners on how to use their devices and show competent users little tricks that will make you stay and say wow! I hope to entertain you with passion and a little bit of humour along the way.

Please brief us about the journey of Techno Ruhez.

I started Techno Ruhez in January 2015. I was unsure how this journey would go, but one day I uploaded a Modding video about a game just to check its reach. After about seven months, I got around six and a half lakh views on it, and that was very surprising for me. This actually motivated me to upload more videos on YouTube.

Later, I started uploading tech videos regarding top apps and games, unboxing some small gadgets etc. And only after a year I got a boost by uploading videos related to Jio Sim Card. And suddenly, I got one lakh Subscribers in just one month.

Afterwards, I also got into some controversies with some big creators at that time, which gave my channel a somewhat positive and negative boost, thereby making my name in the tech industry in early 2016 and onwards.

Please tell our readers about Techno Ruhez’s uniqueness and what sets it in the spotlight on the YouTube platform.

I unbox all kinds of products, including smartphones, laptops, smart TVs, TWS, SSD, and sometimes washing machines, refrigerators etc. And we have a unique video series of Tech News which is the most popular on our channel. It goes live with new content every alternate day. We add some humour in tech and follow it up with funny dances and joke sequences, which makes our channel different from other creators.

What were the initial challenges that you and your channel had to surmount in its early days?

There were lots of challenges I faced while operating my YouTube channel. Firstly, I did not have the proper space to shoot a video. I used to shoot in the corner of my house, near a shoe stand which was also sometimes visible in my videos.

Also, I had to make my own selfie stick with a plastic bottle to shoot stable videos due to a low budget, so during the early days, my video quality was deficient compared to some good tech creators at that time, and that was the biggest challenge I faced in earlier times.

I learned a lot in those days. Today, I ensure that I do not compromise on the quality of my content. That is why we are growing at an exponential rate.

How do you plan your operations to create a new video?

I never work on scripts; I mean word-to-word scripts. But I work on video flow which gives me a small helping hand to start with my video, and I usually complete my video in one take only!

This keeps my videos unique as word-to-word scripting limits the possibilities to improvise impromptu. And instant improvisation is necessary to keep the momentum going on.

What is your opinion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the YouTube platform and its users?

According to me, YouTube was the Only platform which was not affected by Covid-19, and I used to make videos daily on different topics with the same amount of views and income; the only issue we had during the pandemic was that there were no new products unboxing as the courier companies were closed and brands also stopped new launches.

What would you like to advise the aspirants who want to enter the YouTube video platform?

The only important thing I would like to advise new aspirants is to be consistent and have patience. Plus, always make videos on trending topics.

What was your channel’s most notable achievement since its inception?

There are a few significant achievements of my channel like we got some Awards like

  • the Award Best Tech Influencer of 2021,
  • featured in Newspapers and magazines,
  • Featured in the Most Viewed Tech Channel List of 2021, and so on.

How do you envision the future of your channel?

I always keep boosting the quality and freshness of the content of my videos. And doing something new is what I always envisioned about my channel. And I will maintain that norm in the future too.

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