Urvi Fansalkar: Leading Creatively

KRERUM |business solutions| Entrepreneurship| Business Consulting
Urvi Fansalkar | Founder | KRERUM

Creativity has always been a major contributor for any successful business. People are always doing something different in order to get the edge over the other. But, to come up with creative solutions to prevailing problems is not an easy task. It takes a lot of experience and a slightly different approach. A little out of the box thinking never hurts. To channelize creativity in the best manner possible, one must ensure the depths and traits of his/her talent along with their willingness to push beyond the mental capacity in order to reach crisp creativity. One such fierce leader, spearheading KRERUM as its Founder is Urvi Fansalkar. Let’s read how creatively she has answered our questions:

What is your definition of leadership and how do you make an impact through your leadership qualities?

Leadership in my viewpoint is something that is seen in your day-to-day actions, decisions and in your future plans. I firmly believe in the concept of lead by example. My business has varieties of roles and responsibilities that my team need to play. I make sure I take every individual through my desired journey of the particular role. For e.g. if there is a pitch to a client, I will make sure I am with the team in the beginning for the purpose of grooming and understanding the client need, afterwards giving the team opportunity of making it their own.

Tell us more about your company/start-up/organization.

My company’s name is KRERUM. For the unusual name of my company, it breaks in two words, Kriya and Rerum, which loosely translates to ‘Do Things Creatively’.

We work in the area of Business Consulting and help the organization achieve their goals by providing them all business solutions starting from Brand Identity to Brand Sustainability. Our team works in all BTL, ATL and digital mediums, providing our clients go-to market strategy and make sure they achieve their goals. We also work with business owners help them transform their dream into reality

How do you lead your company towards sustaining its competency and innovation?

As I mentioned, our name itself is Doing Things Creatively. This definitely takes a toll on us but that’s what I and my team are made of. We are a bunch of misfits who have ability to see things differently and do things differently. We constantly innovate, we keep track of ongoing things in all political, social, economical and technical areas and make sure our clients never miss the boat. We are in fact loved by our clients for the speed of service delivery and innovation that we constantly provide.

How do I drive competency is simply by staying online? I must remain constantly updated about things happening in the world and that keeps me ongoing and I can guide my team and my clients a new vision all the time.

What were the challenges you came across in your career as a business leader?

Challenges are plenty and they rise on daily basis. I am sure you have heard of Murphy’s Law, it’s not all things go bad but largely everything requires your attention. The challenge sometimes is as small as ‘No Network’ to current situation of lockdown where you have to make sure that things are workable from a far away distance. Few of my clients are from emergency services so at any given point of time I can’t let the work hamper.

Talent acquisition is one more big challenge, but I am so far blessed with good people who constantly follow my lead and also teach me a lot in return.

What is that one aspect or emotion that drives you at work or keeps you motivated?

What drives me is my client’s feedback. For the clients I serve, I have found them very critical of my work. I have never submitted anything to my clients which is substandard and at the same time they have never accepted anything.

The constant feedback and doing things innovatively make me reach my work every day. Of course every individual is driven by personal motivation, so that adds to my vigour.

As an entrepreneur, what is your opinion on the current landscape of start-up culture in India?

I think the time can never be right. And this is the most important time. Internet and smart phones have penetrated to the end of the consumer. Nowadays, people have knowledge of many things if not they can Google it. So if you have any talent if you think you have plan or idea that can if not change the world but at least make an impact, I think one should pursue it. The world now understands need of smarter and cost-effective solutions and it need not be branded. If you can provide a solution for even smallest of the issues, I think you have a big gain in future

According to you, how important is it to be updated with novel technologies as per your industry sector?

It is very important. I think time to be jack of all here than to be king of one. Sure, you could develop your scope but you can never be restricted to it. You always need to remain self-updated or at least have friends who are updated on the details of novel and upcoming technologies.

How do you strategies on scaling your career and your company in the future?

We believe in doing work which is above Average, has considerable impact and also helps our company simultaneously be benefited for our brand. We do not hoard or do multiple clients. We are very careful of the work which we do for the brands because once onboard, we treat our client as our own brand. I make sure that my clients always get the best and first. This attitude of ours has helped us in giving our clients desired results without compromising on anything. So I think we are going to do that for a while. We are going to be committed to our clients, our team and our ethos of adding method to madness. And let’s hope we do what we are set out to.

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