Utkarsh Jain: A Dynamic Leader with a Passion to Deliver Excellence

Starving| Entrepreneurship| gifts delivery
Utkarsh Jain | Founder | Starving.co.in

There are a lot of businesses that face challenges while scaling. There is no easy route to success. People try very hard to take the business on to the next level. That is why a thorough leadership, passion for business and a sense what you are doing is must. Working with above principles, there is one leader along with his company, who is striving to achieve greatness by offering the clients a wow experience through nonstop development of premium items through inculcating world-class innovative procedures in the business.

That young entrepreneur is Mr. Utkarsh Jain, Founder of Starving.co.in. It is a finest cake, flowers and gifts delivery portal which accepts order from the website and or application and then it delivers cakes across Jaipur. The brand has established a new edge to the cake, flowers, chocolate, gifting culture, and décor culture within Jaipur. Let’s read below how he is making a difference through his digital platform for service in the following interview:

What is your definition of leadership and how do you make an impact through your leadership qualities?

According to me definition of leadership is, a leader should have good decision making capabilities according to the situations at right time and it should have ability to build and maintain a strong and collaborative team of peoples working toward the same goal with creativity and innovation.

Tell us more about your company/startup/organization.

We are specialized in all types of cakes, chocolates, cookies, flowers, fast foods gift items, and décor culture. We at Starving perpetually need to allow the simplest attainable user experience to our customers in terms of quality, price and taste. Today, in Starving the business opportunities and related areas are huge, the commitment to our customers and our associates is even better. We take pride in our depth of network and novelty, in equal live.

How do you lead your company towards sustaining its competency and innovation?

I do this by influencing employees to produce creative ideas, products, and services. Also, I motivate them by making organizational culture and organizational systems compatible with the strategy. If we don’t do this we will fall.

What were the challenges you came across in your career as a business leader?

Following are the adversities that I faced personally:

  1. Managing changes
  2. Staying engaged and motivated during changes
  3. Managing situations and actions

What is that one aspect or emotion that drives you at work or keeps you motivated?

Fear and Goals are the most common factors that help me in keeping myself motivated to work continuously. Fear is a primal instinct that served us as cave dwellers and today, it keeps us alive, because if we survive a bad experience, we never forget how to avoid it in the future. Our most vivid memories are born in fear. Adrenaline etches them into our brains. Goals involve learning as much as I can until I eventually take on a leadership role. I prefer to work with others and I believe that I could thrive as a leader if given the chance. I would love to manage a team and shape them into successful workers.

As an entrepreneur, what is your opinion on the current landscape of start-up culture in India?

India has experienced an exceptional growth in the start-up landscape in the past few years. The credit for India reaching such unprecedented heights largely goes to its initial success stories. The government also provides benefits and schemes to start-ups such as Income tax exemptions, easier Public Procurement Norms, and etc.

According to you, how important is it to be updated with novel technologies as per your industry sector?

According to me it is very important is to be updated with novel technologies because it makes you feel more secure with every area in life for both personal and business reasons. With technology advancing, more people are having access to supplies because technology can help deliver those items to people very easily.

How do you strategize on scaling your career and your company in the future?

  1. Building collaborations
  2. Identifying core competence
  3. Committing to growth
  4. Scaling up my business


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