Ankit Jain: A Determined Leader Driving Business towards Success

A successful leader’s vision guides his actions, inspires and motivates colleagues and gives purpose to the organisation. An important person behind a company’s success is its leader. It is necessary to understand that missions are intended to clarify what the company wants to do now while a successful leader with vision outlines how to do it.
One such determined leader is Ankit Jain, Director and Country Head of FinMechanics India, who understands financial technology industry, market needs and is creating an organization with deep knowledge and delivering high-quality service. He plays the role of a catalyst, in order to help FinMechanics become a global fintech leader. Driven, amazingly gifted and kind-hearted team members are his biggest source of motivation.
Some Valuable Insights from Ankit’s Desk
FinMechanics has flourished under the leadership of Ankit Jain with the Company prioritizing strategic goals over tactical goals. According to Ankit, the company’s vision is to be a preferred partner in the Markets/Risk Consulting and Platform space. This drives the company’s day to day activities towards long-term strategic targets. FinMechanics is fully committed to walk the extra mile to delight their customer by innovating and providing unparalleled service quality along with building hundreds of highly successful careers.
Ankit considers that his organization and customers are his biggest source of inspiration. Creating an organization with deep knowledge, delivering high-quality service, embracing technological changes to solve practical problems of clients and to make the organization an enjoyable place to work are the elements which always drive him.
For Ankit, the two most important factors in the financial technology industry are keeping ahead of what the market needs and a team which is working towards a shared common vision.
Emerging as a Leading Business and Cutting-edge Platform Provider
Technology is becoming more important than ever before by replacing all routine activities as well as decision making. Voice-activated trade execution at the best price and algorithms executing trades is becoming the norm.
In this technological era, FinMechanics (FM) provides Business Consulting and cutting-edge Platforms to Markets and Risk Departments of financial institutions. FinMechanics also has extensive implementation experience on multiple Treasury and Risk packages along with bespoke Application Development capabilities.
The platforms from FM are as follows:
FM Converge provides financial institutions a highly responsive platform to price, structure and manage risk on a very wide variety of financial instruments. The platform also enables straight-through processing of vanilla and exotic trades along with an integrated accounting module. The Risk module of FM Converge gears up their clients with tools to face regulatory changes – both current and upcoming.
FM Connect provides a Single Dealer Platform for customers and branches of a financial institution to view streaming tradable quotes negotiate the price for vanilla and exotic financial instruments and transact a wide variety of products across Foreign Exchange, FX Options, Interest Rate Products, Fixed Income, Money Market and Structured Products. A highly customizable solution that can be deeply white-labeled to the financial institution’s needs, FM Connect can be the engine that adds a unique easily scalable channel.
FM Physicals is a Commodities front to back platform that improves efficiency in every step of the physical trading business of commodities such as precious/base metals and Wholesale Banknotes. The platform caters for both Physicals and Paper Trading (Proprietary desk and Hedging). The platform is cross-functional catering to front office, operations/planning, accounting, logistics/shipping, inventory and risk management.
Some Valuable Words for the Budding Entrepreneur
Ankit’s advice to budding entrepreneurs, “Being at the crossroads of Finance and Technology, this is an exciting area where there is tremendous evolution in both. To be successful, one needs to continuously invest in both. The market is always changing and so is computing. Young people are likely to be successful if acquiring and applying knowledge continuously is their primary driver”.
Moving Towards a Bright Future
In addition to being a renowned firm, FinMechanics is working hard to position itself as a strong brand in all major financial centers.  The company is increasing their global footprint to London this year and is also planning to expand to New York and Toronto by end of 2019. The company’s long-term goal is to be the first port of call for banks and financial institutions for both Consulting services and Platforms in the markets and risk space
Source :-The 30 Most Admired Tech Leaders to Watch in 2018

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