“Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” Sir Richard Branson, Business Magnate, Philanthropist
Here’s a look at some of the perks that employees consider as welfare at workplace across the globe!
Telecommuting – Remote working or work from home leads to wider global reach, employee retention, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.
Health Insurance Coverage – It leads to better employee engagement, good health and productivity.
Compressed Work Weeks – Where a five day work week is further reduced by working more hours on the accountable days leads to better work coverage and provides flexibility to employees.
Subsidized Child Care – It helps families pay their child care fees with less stress and is a great morale booster for employees.
Job Sharing – Typically two employees work together on a reduced time basis to complete a job that one person can do on full-time leads to less stress and better work-life balance.
Fully-paid Sabbaticals — It encourages employee up skill, fresher outlook and actually helps with employee retention.
Unlimited Sick Days — This practice actually leads to less absenteeism, higher productivity boosts morale and encourages efficient use of resources.
On-site Fitness/subsidized gym — Benefiting both employee and employer, it reduces health care costs, lowers absenteeism and enhances morale and job satisfaction.
On-site Medical Care Facility – It is known to lower medical costs for companies, reduce absenteeism, encourage better employee health, and improve productivity
Best Practices for Contented Employees