Excel Placement Services: Delivering Effective Recruitment Solutions for Your Business

Hiring better talent is the single most important talent acquisition goal among survey respondents. It signals a continued progression beyond reactionary recruiting practices for many employers. But achieving this goal is no walk in the park. Success is dependent on having the right processes in place to support strategy and drive performance.
Without acute talent and skills, companies cannot grow their businesses. However in today’s fresh environment, the old ways of recruiting, acquiring, and accessing talent are no longer operative. Businesses that fail to acclimate will likely be on the losing end when it comes to engaging the people they need. Nonetheless, few HR and corporate leaders report that their companies are currently capable of adapting to today’s new talent acquisition realities, but it adds a huge cost for the Companies.
Nowadays, with the number of opportunities in the employment arcade reaching a new high, every company has to distinguish itself and stand out in the crowd to attract the ‘right’ kind of talent. By fulfilling this need of Targeting, recruiting and managing the right kind of talent Excel Placement Services is booming in the market of Manpower recruiting. Functioning as a recruitment consultant specialist, Excel Placement manages the tough recruitment procedure, from start to finish.
Having a huge database of talent, Excel is the one stop solution for all hiring needs of Companies and employment related services in India. Today, Excel enacts like a strategic business partner for major Multinational Companies and supports them to shed administrative worries with effective efforts on strategic talent initiatives and cost that drive sustainable growth.
At Excel, they have an extensive experience of working with very diverse sets of candidates, and they have developed expertise in delivering recruitment solutions with talent branding approach. Being the thought leaders in the recruitment space, they are also very reverent to the perceptions of the candidates about companies and how they react to brands, compensation structures and company culture.
This experience helps them in advising and supporting companies to execute their complete talent branding exercise to ensure that the clients are targeting the right candidates with the relevant messages. It advises its customers to tune talent recruitment around their classified talent  to maximize recruitment delivery.
The Inspiring Leader of Excel Placement Services
A Commerce graduate and International Business Management Diploma holder from prestigious University of London (U.K), Rajeet Singh Bagga, Managing Partner, co-founded Excel Placement Services in 2009. Within five years of establishment, he has assiduously worked towards the company’s growth  from a dorm room startup to one of the 25 fastest growing HR Consultant of India. Over the course of his career, Rajeet has been widely acknowledged for his entrepreneurial leadership and accomplishments.
Distinctive Solution with Unique Serving Approach
While  mentioning his strategy to tackle the turbulence in the market,  Rajeet says, “Your approach of handling the problems describes the success of your Business.”
Like the other industries, Excel has also faced some common struggles  like return of intense recruiting competition/ increased volume of open positions and finding right candidates, speed of hiring, attracting ideal Client, underdeveloped recruiters, retaining the Clients and competition from social recruiting. But the approach of tackling the problem helped Excel to run on path of their success.
Now the company is on the route of attracting the best and brightest employees for companies. It is a continuous process and the company has an ongoing strategy that includes the right people, processes and technology that can adapt to swiftly fluctuating market needs. Excel is incessantly networking and building relationships with individuals who are at the top of their fields. Henceforth, its focus is on long-term human resources planning and ruling appropriate candidates in (White and Blue) collar positions that entail a very precise skillset. Excel is active on several social networks and community forums where experts gathers, to draw (White collars) and it also has a PAN India presence and coordinators who back them in (Blue collar) hiring, by having vigorous existence and influence in secluded location of India.
Taking Smart Steps towards the Future  
As many businesses have learned the hard way, to become an established mark and have a short-term success does not guarantee   a long-term success. Increased competition, financial mismanagement, professional missteps, and economic downturns can all contribute to the downfall of a once-successful business. Today, challenge for many companies, particularly small ones, is that they are so busy in the day-to-day operations of the business; they lack the time and energy to maintain an eye on the future that is essential for long-term success.
Excel identifies that the recruiting industry has seen extensive deviations in the last few years as the economy and technological advances have altered the way many companies hire. In order to tackle such deviations they need to be in on the trend-chart.  Hence, Excel’s prime focus is on quality hiring / they’ve increased the emphasis on using social networks to close the gap between active and passive candidates and finally embraced the concept of talent branding and usage of mobile recruiting.
In order to preserve the long-term success, Excel is engaged in an ample examination of its business that embraces “evaluating the past” and “visioning the future”. This course embroils Excel to maintain that it has the “legs” to endure for forthcoming eons.
A crucial transformation in management rehearses to accommodate a swiftly varying world of work is transforming the prevalent influence of Excel’s work in the upcoming years. Excel is nurturing and improving its core values for the future and asserts that “If something isn’t working, do something different to get the desired results.”

Source :- The 10 Best Talent and Acquisition Companies in 2017

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