HitechStuff: Offering Premium, Curated and Customized Services

HitechStuff | Gangapatanam Teja

Imagine moving into a new place with just a makeshift charpoy and an odd pillow. Not a very pleasant sight and not to mention if one stays in such a room the wails of the walls will start haunting them.

Undeniably there are plenty of things needed to design a perfect home. However, one cannot give a home, or any kind of building a complete look without furniture. Furniture not only improves the overall beauty of any building but also defines the function of any particular room and are used in a room as context clues. It provides us with essential information about the space’s purpose and helps us design a beautiful and immersive office or living space.

This calls to mind an American interior designer, Albert Hadley’s words, “Forget the floor plans. Arrange the furniture where it is most comfortable and it will look best.”

To better understand the need for right furniture and how it enhances the beauty and purpose of a building, we interviewed Gangapatanam Teja, Founder and Creative Head of HitechStuff.

This conversation helps us understand how to choose the right furniture and how his company is helping in designing customized furniture that matches its client’s need.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

How did the idea of HitechStuff come about?

People don’t change their house often,but they do change their furniture. This is the first thought that made me give this venture a shot. I want the nation to be the leader in the world market, be it in any sector, I just wanted to do the best of my part in making this happen. Being a doctor, I always had a vision of making a brand of my own and to bring it a spectacular recognition which made me to think of starting a business.

I guess I have got a creative soul which doesnt make me rest until I work on my ideas and make them happen. In the process I came to learn how people often reach to other countries for their furniture requirements, I wanted to make a bigger platform where I can make furniture and related products with international standards and meet the people’s requirements. On sharing my thoughts with my brother who is an engineer and an actor by profession, we together established HitechStuff.

Together we grew much knowledge about furniture and interiors industry, which  apparently have a great scope of growth if processed in the right direction. Along with tons of research work material, extensive workhours, piles of hardwork and endless sleepless nights we both commenced the company which eventually witnessed an exponential growth trajectory along with many good and bad experiences.

What are HitechStuff’s range of offerings?

HitechStuff manufactures furniture products which are most common in almost every house from basic to premium range along with a wide range of luxury products .We are also into interior designing and have a niche in making best home theatres. Apart from these, we always prefer innovation in our products which we believe is the key to success. Our recently launched smartbeds and smart office tables have gained much reputation.

What were the challenges you came across during the inception of your startup? 

Well, achieving what we imagine is not a cake walk, we had to face many struggles while venturing HitechStuff, there was a time when we had to shutdown the factories and getting cheated by many of our employees and many other challenges.

But getting through this chaos was really a thing that made us strong as rock, we choose to rebuild and rise like a phoenix from ashes. Today we are in a position to face any challenges in a highly competitive and dynamic market.

Is your company bootstrapped or have you received funding or do you plan on approaching investors?

I believe our company would have done wonders if there was support and funding from those who believe in my vision. So far I have climbed each and every step with patience and with the right people who believe in my vision and can fund us I hope we can make wonders and make India the best in world market; creating a spectacular value for made in India products and also creating employment for the skilled people.

What is your opinion on the current landscape of startup culture in India?

Taking everyday as a new experience and trying to face them with a smile and patience is what I immensely believes in. As the founder I strongly believe in startup with innovative ideas .They are the right bricks which will build a modern india. With the exponential revolution in the startups in recent times which have got huge success and funding in India, I think the young ones will always run ahead in presenting their creativity in making India the best.

According to you, how important is it to be updated with technology as per your industry sector?

It is always important to be updated with technology, may it be any industry. The one who is updated is the one who will see the vision come true. In a industry like ours, its always a neccessity to keep up with newly updated technology which will make dream come true rather than still dreaming of how to achieve it. With the new revolution in furniture industrial sector, I thought of bringing a unique concept on board but due to lack of funding, the idea is still on papers. Presenting what people want through 3D printers, creating spectacular designs with cnc design machines with right vision and updated technology those dream products can come into life.

How do you strategize on scaling your company in the future?

We have started franchising the company on understanding the demand for the products and how young entreprenuers are interested to make a mark of their own. With the right funding I see a drastic growth in the company and my vision  of making stupendous value for made in india goods in furniture sector will come true.

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