Knovator Technologies: Fuelling Company Growth through Excellent IT Solutions and Services

Knovator Technologies
Pankit Gami | Founder | Knovator Technologies

The leading e-learning companies help their clients in identifying the training and development needs of their employees. They properly analyze the training needs of any client organization by properly analyzing all its needs. They help the client organizations to create custom e-learning content and bring out the best results for their teams.

One such renowned name in the e-learning industry is none other than Knovator Technologies. Established in 2017 and situated at Surat, Gujarat, it is an IT service company which helps the client to reimagine their digital space with innovative solutions. Knovator handles all the complexity of digital space for their clients, so that they can purely focus on growing their business.

In an interview with Insights Success, Knovator Technologies shares about its journey, the various services it provides, the various challenges it has faced, and its plans. To know more about the company, please read the interview.

  1. Kindly mention in detail about your company/institution.

Knovator provides IT solutions depending on the client’s requirements. We help startups and businesses with custom-made technology solutions for various business challenges, growth, and cost reduction.

We develop custom web and mobile solutions using technologies on which Facebook and Google rely. One of our specialties is the best post-sales support.

  1. Brief us about the featured person and their journey in the e-learning space.

Pankit Gami founded Knovator in the year 2017. He has always been interested in solving problems that are truly valued in society. His passion for solving problems led to the foundation of Knovator.

Within a year, Pankit Gami and his team helped businesses refine their processes utilizing the web and mobile solutions and most recent technologies, including Voice Assistant and AI/ML.

He is always ready to communicate and know more about their clients. Pankit Gami has gathered a team where each team member works hard to provide the best technology solutions for their clients. All their clients are highly satisfied with their work.

  1. What is the current industrial scenario of the Indian e-learning market space?

India is the second-largest market for e-learning, preceded by the United States (US). Most edupreneurs ventured into the e-learning industry and started providing various ways to learn online. Currently, India stands at 247 million USD of income through e-learning and is estimated to grow 8x within the next five years.

In the next five years, India will approximately reach 1.96 billion USD. The number of users of e-learning in India has increased to 9.5 million and is expected to reach more users by 2025.

  1. What is the current industrial scenario of the global e-learning market space?

E-learning has been a part of the informal education system for quite some time now. But nowadays, it is catering to the needs of both the education systems. The revolution in telecommunication due to the interference of the internet is why the e-learning business is on the rise.

It has become so popular mostly because of the affordable digital devices. The extensive use of multimedia has played an important role in increasing people’s engagement with e-learning. Many factors collectively power the global e-learning market. Factors like economic development, demand for skilling or upskilling, technological advancements, etc.

  1. How is technology complimenting e-learning in the broader spectrum?

Technology is what drives online learning platforms. To make e-learning platforms successful, the technology must have all software and features in place. The programming languages, Learning Management Systems, Content Management Systems, etc., are the technology used today. These make sure the learner and the instructors have the best e-learning experience.

Not just this, but the rapid development in technology has taken the e-learning experience to a whole new level. The introduction of machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality in e-learning gives a smooth user experience to the learners as well as the instructor.

  1. How has the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic influenced the global e-learning space?

Even before the pandemic hit the world, the demand for e-learning was already growing. Many educational institutions had already adopted this educational technology. COVID-19 just boosted the use of e-learning.

Due to the pandemic and lockdown, educational institutes were shut worldwide, making online classes a must. In a way, COVID-19 has positively impacted the e-learning space, as you can see a dramatic increase in its usage.

  1. What would be your strategic approach to scale your business in 2021 and beyond?

In 2021, since there are second and third waves of COVID-19 hitting us already, we would like to plan accordingly. Every day comes with a new challenge or a trend, be it e-learning, online shopping, or software development. We like to make ourselves ready for the unforeseen, where our latest insights and industry experts come to the rescue.

Knowing our customers better and making something for their needs is the goal. This is something we would like to stick to forever. Our customers help us scale our business and focusing on their needs is a must.

  1. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the e-learning space?

Do it. The online learning market is predicted to grow around $350 Million by 2025 so venturing into this space is a good idea.

E-learning has become a part of people’s everyday lives, especially with schools being shut. Providing quality education on your website/app will always keep you on top. If entrepreneurs or edupreneurs can provide education online without any complex features involved, they can easily excel in the e-learning sector.

Nothing bums a new e-learner or an instructor more than technological glitches. Online learners cannot learn easily and get distracted a lot if they are encountering technical difficulties. Ensuring that your e-learning platform has no technical glitches from time to time is a must-have in the e-learning space.

  1. Where do you envision yourself and your company in the long run, and what are your future goals?

Staying at the top of our game is the goal. Who does not like to stay on top, right? So, we constantly focus on learning and developing. We always keep ourselves updated on the latest trends in the market to up our game and rapidly grow by creating advanced software for our clients.

Further, we are highly motivated to provide our customers with quality work, earn goodwill across the states, and expand our business.

We strive hard to maintain our quality of work. We like to hear a positive response from the customers as well. The positive response from our clients is what motivates us and pushes us to move forward in this industry.

  1. How is e-learning going to shape the education industry worldwide?

Technology has been forever influencing how education is delivered. Online learning has completely changed the face of education. The classrooms are no longer referred to as a physical location. Students can comfortably learn from their choice of place and in any comfortable environment. E-learning has changed and will keep changing the ways students think about education.

In the past decade, the demand for e-learning has increased. But during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-COVID, it has increased rapidly. The internet penetration rate in India is estimated to reach above 55% by 2025. This makes the digitization of education a priority for our government.

Indian universities and colleges are now permitted to offer more than 20% of degrees online. This is a huge change brought on by e-learning in the education industry of India.

Using this opportunity to their advantage, many new e-learning portals have shown up. Many edtech companies are now offering learning management resources to top this change, including blended learning, 3D, and DIY kits, along AI-based interactive learning to provide an unrivaled experience.

Bidding farewell to traditional teaching, e-learning has completely reshaped the education industry. In the future, new methods and technology will keep on adding to aid the technical issues faced by teachers and learners.

This shift towards the adoption of digital learning isn’t a temporary trend. It is here to stay and comes with long-term consequences. E-learning can be easily regarded as the new normal future of education. E-learning is all set to empower the youth of India by providing millions of possibilities in the digital education industry.

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