The Digital Age

Karan Shah, Founder & CEO, Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) | Insights Success | Business Magazine

Society and technology are infusing today at a faster pace than any point in our history. The rise of the internet and all things digital seem to have brought to life the motto ‘out with the old, in with the new’. Even concepts relating to technology such as Moore’s law (which dictated that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years) don’t apply any longer.
With so much disruption in almost every facet of life, it’s no surprise that brands, organizations, individuals and educational institutions amongst others realize the urgent need to adapt in order to survive and thrive. Without an online presence that drives engagement and active participation, entities will undoubtedly be setting themselves up for failure.
In order to truly prosper in such a landscape, businesses must reinvent the manner in which they operate in the digital arena from the ground up. Truly embracing the digital arena requires one to reassess the manner in which business is conducted and realizing where value truly lies. With over six billion people world over using smartphones in order to access information, services and goods, focusing on digital communication first is a no-brainer.
To be able to succeed effectively in this digital environment, being familiar with the four pillars underpinning a digital transformation can provide any organization and individual with a head-start.
Coding refers to the skill of designing, writing, testing, implementing and maintaining a computer programme’s source code. This is usually written in a programming language which consists of its own syntax and meaning. By coding, one can perform a variety of tasks such as developing a mobile application, website or software.
Computers essentially interpret all commands in a series of binary 1 and 0 (Yes and No). The need to make this binary language more accessible led to the creation of computer programming languages. Every computer language serves a dedicated purpose; however, they all essentially translate commands into a binary code.
Not all programming languages are created equally as some are easier to learn and pick up than others such as C, Java, Ruby, and Python. Although similar when it comes to syntax, these languages are applied in different kinds of applications.
The ability to code gives one the power to gain a higher degree of control over the technology we rely upon a daily basis. Through coding one can create software; scripts that can help automate a lot of redundant and manual efforts that allow a human to work on better and smarter projects.
Whether for professional use or personal, many people find the need for a website or a blog. Rather than relying on third parties, one can quite easily accomplish these tasks with a simple understanding of coding.
Digital Design
With consumers spending an increasing amount of time on online platforms, making sure that they are able to navigate through online portals in a manner that is accessible is of key importance.
Digital design refers to the use of digital tools in order to create websites and mobile applications along with a host of online content spanning a range of industries. Digital design includes a wide array of content ranging from social media, email and web ads to 3D modeling and 2D animation.
Digital designers focus on elements such as User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) which factors in components such as accessibility, utility, design and human factors. Owing to the wide variety of skills required to accomplish these tasks, digital designers are required to be able to operate tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign along with possessing coding skills in HTML5, CSS3 along with Javascript.
Digital Marketing
Marketing has traditionally referred to the process of interacting with the desired audience in the right place at the right time. The term digital marketing refers to the use of digital tactics and mediums to connect with an audience where it spends a majority of its time; on the internet. Digital marketing encompasses aspects such as the business website, its digital advertising, email marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing among others.
Using digital platforms, organizations are able to propagate their campaigns in a manner that is more streamlined, faster and more responsive to the rapid occurrences in the media landscape. Using SEO, websites, blog posts, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers, ads on social media platforms, an organization can not only gain and retain customers but also do so in a manner that is cost effective.
The key purpose behind all digital marketing efforts is to heighten a brand’s awareness, build & maintain a relationship with their customers and to generate leads. The effectiveness of all endeavors can be measured in a precise manner through the use of key performance indicators (KPI). One of the key advantages of digital marketing efforts over traditional marketing is that performance is measured in real time which in turn allows the return on investment to be measured.
Data Analysis
Data analysis can be summed up as the examination of raw data and applying algorithmic or mechanical processes in order to be able to gather insights. A major portion of the work that data analysis accomplishes, therefore, relates to inferring what datasets are trying to convey.
With the massive amount of metrics being gathered, there is an apparent need for uncovering insights and trends within this data. How these raw data sets are processed and what must be done to turn this data into actionable intel, is where data analysis comes in.
Data analysis is utilized for a number of purposes such as forecasting income and expenditure, managing production and distribution, analyzing search and buying behavior, along with unearthing information as it pertains to customers and significant trends. The combination of these functions allows organizations to improve business practices, effective decision making and provides the necessary edge to take the lead over competitors.
The Path Ahead
In the current digital landscape, any business that expects to maintain an edge over its competition has to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to integrating emerging technologies within its existing workflows. Ensuring that an organisation is comprised of individuals that are well versed in digital technologies and are adequately skilled can help it stay ahead of potential disruptions, achieve a greater deal of efficiency and increase value to its customers.
That is because eventually by the end of the day, companies will be going through a phase of digital transformation. To do that, people need coders who can build the base, designers who make it usable, marketers who sell it and data analysts who optimize the whole process.
About the Author
Karan Shah is the Founder and CEO of Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) – an organization rolling out best-in-class Digital Marketing training in Mumbai. He has studied his Private Equity & E-Commerce Strategies from Harvard University. Being a tech enthusiast and a public speaker, Karan aims to transform the education landscape of India by making it fun and practical through his experience-based learning methodology and support of trainers well-equipped with industry experience and hands-on learning techniques.

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