In our world, a huge number of techno savvy citizens are willingly experimenting with the technology. They are comfortable to share limited personal data, and to introduce the younger generation with the technology. We are now habitual with gadgets and can accommodate new ones in our daily lives immediately. And the younger generation is seeing this world connected in many ways and would like to improve on these ways by innovating constantly.
We are already at a point where not only gadgets or machines are getting smarter, but experimentation on smart cities and technology efficient life-styles is also going on. As the world is changing rapidly, the way we exchange and analyze the information is also changing. We need to access the information and stay connected with the technology regardless of time and location.
The era of ubiquitous computing is already here. With smart watches and condition monitoring devices (which are capable of analyzing and transferring data), this is the starting point for numerous things to be connected to the network. The products we use daily are going to stay connected, collect information and exchange collected data. Actually, the term Ubiquitous means ‘present, appearing, or found everywhere.’ Ubiquitous computing will take over soon whether people will be able to accept it or understand it or not.
Connect to the environment: Ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp)
Considering the variety and scope in Ubicomp, taxonomy of properties has been proposed to explain this, rather than putting efforts in defining from various aspects. Hence In short, Ubicomp means a user can connect to the network and be serviced in spite of time or location. From the jungles and rivers to beaches and mountains, a user will be connected with these portable computing devices.
The concept behind this is ‘bringing computers out’. It is being developed for the purpose of technology being available all the time. In our daily routines and activities, we will be using the same things we were using earlier, but now with the power of computing these things will be smarter. Expanding the concept of personal computing to an exponential level, with the help of sensors and processors, we can allocate data processing and transferring abilities to almost any device. After mainframe and personal computer era, Ubicomp is called the third era of computing.
The possibility of Ubicomp is limitless. From water bottle and a pair of glasses to vehicles and major security devices, Ubicomp can exist in various forms.
The mind behind Ubicomp
A chief scientist at Xerox PARC, Mark D. Weiser, coined the term ubiquitous computing in 1988. He was a computing and communication expert as well as a drummer for California-based ‘Severe Tire Damage’ band. To understand Ubicomp, Weiser’s talks and works prove immensely helpful. His vision of clam technology and the computers being able to extend human unconscious explain a lot about Ubicomp. Calm technology is a concept in which the device or machine will inform and will not demand any attention or focus of the user. Based on this, Ubicomp features are being developed. Machines will fit in human environment without any strain or frustration for humans.
Potential of Ubicomp
The quality of service generated by this will be tremendously accurate and personalized. The advertisers, service industry and entertainment will be never before aggressive and competitive.
Almost all industries will be able to focus on their services and come up with unexplored ways to work and provide services. From manufacturing to the energy sector, and from healthcare and insurance to banking, and not to forget education and telecom industry; Ubicomp will be accepted faster than we expect. We will be able to collect the data in real time, predict the behavioral pattern and thereby improving on cost effective services offered. Organizations will collaborate and work with each other and assist governments for building smarter infrastructures. Governments have established research centers for Ubicomp proactively. And large scale projects under Ubicomp include pollution monitoring, landslide monitoring, and weather forecasting; just to name a few.
Challenges ahead
Developers always prefer Command Line Interface (CLI). But for a layman, certainly menu-driven or Graphical User Interface (GUI) -based interactive system is needed. And these are some challenges that are taking time. Experts in software engineering and computer science are facing challenges like systems design, in systems modeling, and in UI design. Clearly, the major challenge will be establishing human-computer interaction models. They also have to define behavioral trends and include variable thought processes and variation in assumptions across the globe.
Do we have to choose?
Now, the issue that rises inevitably is- we have to make a choice between freedom and privacy. In order to maintain safety, governments are now assessing the information generated by users. To protect the people from hackers, online threats, and even bigger problems such as terrorism, some unconventional security methods need to be implemented. The way we share information is going to revolutionize. But what about the information we do not want to share?
The devices need to be secured in such a way that they should be able to handle security threats, identify preferences and still be able to transfer data in real time. Also, the percentage of citizens who actually understand the importance of privacy is also very low. This raises various questions on Ubicomp.
However, researchers in this field think otherwise. According to them, security can be improved gradually. As people start using it, it will be improved. In fact, believing that Ubicomp will improve human efficiency, security will be automatically prioritized.
Computing for everyone, everywhere
According to researchers, Ubicomp will help overcome the issue of information overload which is one of the major concerns today. Residing in the human world; Ubicomp will certainly weaken the barriers in personal interactions. The way we see, communicate, trade, and work will be dependent on Ubicomp. It will be there, helping us. And when Calm technology is developed successfully, it will be helpful to work optimally.
This will be the time when computer access will initiate in all groups in society.
Ubiquitous Computing: The Omnipresence of Information