7 Secrets to Be a Successful Entrepreneur

Vishal Anand CEO VSPL Energy | Insights Success | Business Magazine

“Entrepreneurship is for the strong hearted. And life only rewards those who work hard towards their goal consistently”. Meet Vishal Anand, CEO- VSPL Energy, Founder- Saints N Sinners & Partner- Farzi Café, Aerocity, New Delhi.
In a candid conversation with Insight Success, Vishal shares some very simple & basic thoughts & personal experiences that would help every budding and new age entrepreneur. He says, even if he is able to impact one person, it would be an immense personal achievement.
Excerpts from his learning, the top seven lessons to be a successful entrepreneur are-

  1. The Power of “The First Step”.

The human mind is unique in more ways than what we can ever imagine. It is the birth place for such path-breaking ideas that have the potential to surpass all boundaries of success. What holds us back is “taking the first step” in the direction. With the first step, you win half the battle. Fear of social mockery, failure, the cumbersomeness of the initiative, holds us back. Take control of this. Don’t underestimate the power of this step. Take it unabashedly. And the next ones would flow. Also, it is your “Will” that would convert your thoughts into actions, so nurture and strengthen it.

  1. Don’t Think Too Much

Many a times, it is over analysis, nonstop mind chatter, talking to too many people, taking too many view points, that fizzles out the initiative. Think only that much that would help you take a decision, to plan and to execute flawlessly. Talk to handpicked people. Beyond this, everything will be a dampner.

  1. Articulate A Strong Vision & Build The Right Culture.

The CEO has to be a visionary. The team would only work upon his vision as the guiding light.
Take efforts to build the right culture in all matters, small or big, for your organisation. In terms of systems, procedures, commitments, ethics, trainings & so on. From top to bottom, culturally, the entire team should sail in the same direction. This would be a clear differentiator towards building an ORGANISATION viz a vis a mere company.

  1. The Power of Information & Keeping Abreast With the Latest Technologies.

The business world demands constant change of approach. With the CEO as the prime torch bearer of the Company’s growth, his hold on information, with the use of latest technology, is critical. Optimal use of technology can help your business grow leaps and bounds and make expansion much simpler. But don’t forget, technology changes much faster than us & hence, regular – on-going – self driven, research & training, is imperative.

  1. Invest in People & Keep Them Motivated

Your people make your team. Pick them carefully, train them diligently and keep envisioning them with your farsightedness. In your core team, ensure that you are fostering future leaders and not aiming at a one man army.

  1. Cultivate Positivity & A Solution Driven Approach.

Keep your business energised through the power of positive thinking. Negativity would lurk at every step. But it is what you choose to acknowledge first, that would make the difference. Highlight, share and appreciate positive thoughts and actions with everybody as much as possible.

  1. Failures Are Not The End Of The World.

Condition your mind to be a fighter and not get bogged down by interim failures. It is the lessons learnt and the overall graph that matters.
About the Author
Vishal Anand heads VSPL Energy Private Limited (a AAA rated company by SMERA – an RBI accredited Assessing & Rating Agency) as a Founder Promoter. The company is actively engaged In Power Infrastructure Development in the remotest parts of India. His work sees him collaborating with various State Governments including but not limited to Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand & also with the Power Grid Corporation of India to set up power transmission lines & substations across the country.
Vishal upholds “Entrepreneurship” in very high regard. “It is actually service to the nation”… creates job opportunities and supports many businesses parallel”, says Vishal. Having been born into a family of Doctors, Bankers, Lawyers & Civil Servants … being in “business” was not the obvious choice for him. Says, life was rewarding, not only in terms of success to him, but also in terms of many lessons learnt. Excerpts from his learning.
Vishal, a go getter at heart & a true karm Yogi, has keen interest in Music, Fitness, and Adventure & Wildlife. A firm believer that life rewards those who work hard at it and stay strong despite ups and downs. He is based in Gurgaon, where he lives with his wife and Children.

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