Ankita Goyal: Founder and CEO, Ancourage

Ankita Goyal[Shepreneur, digital marketing, website maintenance, digital marketing services, womenentreprener2020]
Ankita Goyal
  1. What is your philosophy of efficient leadership in a corporate setting?
    My view on Leading people not just letting the people under you to work on their own and ask make sure you do that. But train them to make it easy for them so with a set of predefined template to make it easy for all. leading in a friendly way to make people discover themselves. A very common question in corporates, “PS: Can u do this for me make Sure its on time and no mistakes thanks.” Well every task has a, set of steps, like launching a product, writing a post sending a party mail etc. So we prepare a to-do list of all points under it, whether 5, 50 or15, your employee can just tick and do all the steps it will reduce errors better work. The dig. Is a presentation that we do conduct.
  1. Given the chance, how would you redefine woman entrepreneurship?
    Women entrepreneurship its increasing but still not promoted. I think we need entrepreneur not a men or women. so basically gender equality. And more skilled people., Celebrate, and respect women. Goal for this year safe environment at home and work for women. Lot of people see women as future, that is great.But the journey will be successful when women will not be treated as women, but as I quote again “we will have a great future will some great people.” Given value to all, or say less crime, no special ladies quota, equal respect to women players too. If we talk justice, a world beyond crime, and injustice and men i.e. safety, justice and human (men and women). We are in the race of savings environment, animals that is excellent but don’t forget women. For now many women need HELP. I see a future of equal talent if women treated equal, where women will not be and issue but power, and its the crime which is the issue. Hope to see a day in gen next may be women and help will be history. Only talent will be talk.
  1. What are the services/solutions/products that your company provides?
    I’m a digital marketer, and promote start ups. Founder and CEO of Ancourage my Co.

    1. Supporting startups by providing authentic content and post
    2. Helping find them their niche area, customer and run ads
    3. Make special ads, podcast, video, musical post for them.
    4. Writing blogs, blog post for them.
    5. Working on website maintenance.
    6. Sharing new tools and training them to use. Provide checklist on customized basis
    7. Converting leads into customers.
  1. What are your organization’s vision and core values?
    Our Vision- To increase innovative use of digital marketing, Built a better brand, from startup to a brand.Help clients create meaningful relationships with their audience through connected digital experiences. Not to forget provide customer satisfaction to their clients too.

    Core values – To support customers, our people

    Stable working culture, sharing opinions .promoting humanity which gives mental satisfaction too. Motivating the work force. Personalized service for clients, working with coordination of their vision.

  1. What would you choose between following your passion and being practical? Why?
    Its about my real life experience I have a Passion of creativity of painting in writing so I learnt and its fashion designing for many years. Being practical I didn’t knew how to stitch clothes I was only good at designing so I I discovered something new to continue my passion of creativity and Discover digital marketing now I am able to complete my passion of reading writing as well as creativity. what little I know today because is because I followed my passion to bring into real existence. i.e. to be practical.  I’m passionate about my work, a dreamer and be happy share the same spirit with other too.Life is short we are passionate about many things in some we can join hands to the practical accept as well. Knowledge give light to your passion I say. I am also passionate for women justice, so running a Facebook group – Women Crime N Justice. To spread awareness and real help. Passion for me is to do it. What you do is practical.

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