Chintan P. Mehta: A Go-getter Personality in Insurance Business

AHI Insurance Brokers| insurance company| Insurance Business
Chintan P. Mehta | CEO | AHI Insurance Brokers

Are leaders born or made? This is a never-ending debate with no definite answer. However, irrespective of what the answer is, some great intellectuals and remarkable people enter the world with confidence and do whatever it takes to make difficult decisions and lead. They have a natural tendency to attract followers, influence and motivate others.

So, why is that only a few people achieve success or are labeled as a leader? Truth to be told, anyone can be placed in a leadership role, but, only a few thrive in that position. Becoming a great leader is not an accomplishment that can be attained through a degree. It has to be earned.

If you ask the same to a few of the remarkable leaders they would tell us that, “great leaders not only have to help their team to move forward and achieve the goal, they also have to know which step they need to take to achieve superlative benefits.

And this requires continuous learning and evolving. Regardless of the field, a leader operates in, it is safe to say that the methods they are working keep evolving with time. Innovations, products, and processes keep making their way into their field. And the only way to adapt to these changes is by self-adaptation. Learn the new technologies and processes and apply them in your business, if required, or find a new methodology to stay ahead.  Keeping an open mind towards new possibilities, opportunities, and consistent learning is the reason why certain people outshine others and accomplish what they did.

Here, in this edition of Insights Success, we take the liberty to introduce one such dynamic personality, Chintan P. Mehta,  CEO of AHI Insurance Brokers who, with his unstoppable ardor and consistent learning, goes beyond the call of duty to achieve success.

Evolving as a Leader

Mehta’s journey to the top began with his career in International Business Development. He has successfully developed various markets across the globe and built many successful enterprises. After working for several years in different countries like Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom as well as West Africa, Mehta decided to come back to India.

This was the turning point in his professional life. Before stepping into the shoes of a leader, he took his time to learn, work and learn again at various companies. In the last one and half decade, he earned an extensive knowledge and experience on insurance.  He worked with many companies including India Infoline, Way2Wealth, Shriram Group and Auto Hangar India (AHI).

Mehta’s evolution has been gradual and consisted of constant learning. Today, he is one of the finest taskmasters of bridging awareness & operational excellence in the Insurance domain. Currently serving as the CEO of AHI Insurance Brokers, he is an expert on innovation and disruption for mass & class of the society. He places his every situation right with in-depth insurance business analysis, claims management, reinsurance, and customer retention. His team manages client business through most trained data-center and field associates.

A Humble Being & Forever Learner

When we talk about the great qualities of a leader, charisma,  bravado, and vision stand atop. However, here is another quality, added with the aforesaid that makes Mehta an effective leader; humbleness. This quality of his makes him a leader, who leads to serve. He feels that even after having accomplished a career of two decades, he still is a student, a student of life. He quotes, “Life is a unique journey. On every fold, you get endless opportunities to learn and improvise.”

Though he believes that life teaches him valuable lessons for both professional and personal journeys, he also admires other leaders and even reads about them. He says that one can find the deep impact of preachings of Shri Pandurang Shastri Athawale of Swadhyay  & Swami Vivekananda during interaction with him.

About AHI Insurance Brokers

AHI Insurance Brokers is one of the fastest-growing IRDA approved insurance companies in India. It helps customers in choosing a different insurance policy and products like motor, health, life, travel, investment, pension and business among others. Here at, the skilled brokers of AHI Insurance Brokers have crafted their expertise not by selling but also by imbibing their knowledge into all its offerings.

Our uniqueness lies in seeking to consistently execute better and perfect this recipe of Life Cycle Management for continued success,” comments Mehta.

Mehta insists that the role of a good brokerage is to represent the customer first and not the insurer during the entire life cycle. He asserts, “We are on the right track – I want to build an enterprise that takes pride in delivering every promise made to clients who value our advice. We are creating niche segment offerings and create our ‘blue ocean’. Warranty solutions, specialized personal asset insurance cover, pet insurance are some of the few.’’

Words of Wisdom

Time and again,  it has been proved that hard work is the only ladder to success.  Here too, the same is the case. If not for Mehta’s persistent zeal, none of the accomplishments would have been possible. “There is no short-cut to success. In the service industry delivering promise is vital & in insurance moment of truth is ‘Claims’. If you can be true to all your sales pitches at the time of claim settlement, you have no competition,” he concludes.

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