INDIBIO: A Specialist in Evolving 3D Bioprinting Technology

In today’s world, 3D Bioprinting has the potential to be a ‘game-changer’. Printing human organs are on demand and it is no longer necessitating the need for living or deceased human donation or animal transplantation. Although the technology is still not at the required level to bioprint an entire organ, as 3D Bioprinting may have a variety of other mid-term and short-term benefits that also have positive ethical consequences.Creating alternatives to animal testing, filling a therapeutic need for minors and avoiding species boundary crossing are some of the examples. Despite a lack of current socio-ethical engagement with the consequences of the technology, one outlines what is visible as some preliminary practical, ethical and regulatory issues are needed to be tackled. These relate to managing public expectations and the continuing reliance on techno scientific solutions to diseases that affect high-income countries.
INDIBIO specializes in 3D BioPrinting which is 3D Printing with biological material. The vision is to bridge the huge gap between demand and supply of organs for transplant. In long term, 3D Bioprinting will help the patients by making available the organs on demand, which will have much lesser rejection ratio. It is working in partnership with scientist creating organs within the laboratory by providing them with best 3D Bioprinter hardware. The field of 3D Bioprinting is a rapidly evolving area of biomedical research aimed at solving the urgent problem of organ shortage by bio fabrication of human tissues and organs.
An Intuitive Business Expert Leading the Organization
CEO and Co-Founder  of  INDIBIO, Jitin Ahuja is a serial entrepreneur with many successful ventures to his name in the last 18 years of his service to Life Science Research community. INDIBIO is his recent venture striving to become first specialized company in India dedicated to 3D Bioprinting hardware and services.
Jitin has a long proven track record of introducing many avant-grade technologies to Indian market, his passion for technology, research and top notch service makes him an exemplary professional in scientific research community.
Flagship Products- Fabion3D Bioprinter and Regemat 3D Bioprinter
INDIBIO is determined to become a total 3D Printing Solutions provider in India. It not only sells 3D Bioprinters but also provides complete application support for the scientist working in the field of 3D Bioprinting. FABION 3D Biorpinter from 3D Bioprinting Solutions is available in India through INDIBIO and has been rated the best 3D Bioprinter in the world many times. FABION offers different types of nozzles, which make it possible to use it for almost any application and is the best and most advanced bioprinter available in the market today.
INDIBIO also represents REGEMAT 3D which is a modular 3D Bioprinting System that integrates the latest advances in 3D printing and regenerative therapies to offer adapted solutions to fulfill researcher’s needs. A tested and validated systems, it is adaptable to different types of tissues to research the biggest unsolved biotechnology problems and to battle different kinds of pathologies, such as; Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), Non-healing wounds, Spinal cord injury, Alzheimer´s Disease (AD), Parkinson´s Disease (PD), Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Autoimmune Disorders, Stroke, Diabetes, and Ocular Disease.
Supplying Bioprinting Solutions and Services
INDIBIO products are backed by the sales service from a highly dedicated multi-disciplinary team of professionals. It provides installation, application development, maintenance, repair and GLP documentation services to their clients. Presently, INDIBIO bioprinting solutions are helping in the preclinical testing by replacing the 2-D models and animal tests by much more accurate 3-D Models. This helps the pharma companies in early detection of the side effects of the potential drugs. Another potential application is use of 3D bioprinting in Regenerative Medicine. A large number of 3D Printed constructs are being used by surgeons across the world that is helping thousands of patients presently. This number is going to increase many folds in 2018. Also, the 3D printed skin and tissues are being used for testing of cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations. This will work as a feasible alternative of using animals. This will obviously provide more humane testing and accurate results.
INDIBIO is working in close collaboration with or Principal’s M/S 3D BioPrinting Solutions of Russia. The world’s finest 3D BioPrinter “FABION” manufactured by M/S 3D Bioprinting Solutions is now available for sales to researchers in India. FABION is the only 3D Printing platform in the world which has successfully printed the Mouse thyroid gland.
Also, specialized Bioinks will shortly be introduced to help the scientist achieve their specialized printing goals.
Futuristic Commitment towards 3DBioprinters
INDIBIO together with its principals M/S 3D Bioprinting Solutions, Russia is committed to come up with the best solutions and services in the field of 3D Bioprinting.
Specially designed BioPrinter named “ORGANAUT” from 3D Bioprinting Solutions, Moscow will be sent to space in International Space Station this year. This will make it the first Bioprinter to make it to the space. 3D Bioprinting is bound to make much great advancement in the coming years and the most valuable change it can bring about for the humanity is to make available the organs required for transplants to the patients.
Source :-The 10 Most Admired 3D Printing Solution Providers