Mohammed Awes Bhojani: Using Artistic Skills to Empower People

Mohammed Awes Bhojani | Founder

It takes certain amount of courage and nerves to choose entrepreneurship as one’s career. Entrepreneurs believe that they can do anything with the nerves they have got. Entrepreneurial spirit is an opportunity to be more creative, innovative, dynamic and it gives an opportunity to be part of the solutions to the challenges and problems in the world.

Mohammed Awes Bhojani is one such young and dynamic entrepreneur who is driven with the contribution spirit and wants to help and empower people. He is the Founder of glamourbyawesbhojani. He wants to empower people with his artistic talents and capabilities.

Below are the highlights of the interview between Mohammed Awes Bhojani and Insights Success:

Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a regular 9-5 job?

I chose entrepreneurship because I wanted ultimate freedom to use my time as I please while I’m young, not getting tied to a working construct that is constraining my other desires and pursuits. Entrepreneurship allows me to steer the company in the right direction, i.e. the direction I want to go to. As an entrepreneur I don’t have to wait around or seek someone’s permission to take holidays or a day off to spend time with family or friends.

Tell us more about your company.

I am freelancer makeup artist with a team of 3 makeup artists working with me. Most of my work is uploaded on my Instagram handle “glamourbyawesbhojani”.

What challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur? How did you overcome them to establish yourself and the company?

Cash flow management: Cash flow is essential to small business survival, yet many entrepreneurs struggle to pay the bills (let alone themselves) while they’re waiting for checks to arrive.

Building my own team: Building a team is a rigorous process and can take several days of your time. My Approach to build my team is the same way I approach customer centric marketing campaign. Once I have a pool of references, I arrange “One to One Meet” in which I take individuals on a tour of their working environments. I ask them the questions relevant to the role, experiences, expectations, dedication, and long-term goals.

Time management: Time management is the biggest problem I ever face as an entrepreneur.

To overcome this, I:

  • Create goal lists – If any tasks do not match with my goals, I eliminate them

– If any tasks absolutely do not have to be completed by Me, I delegate them to my team members.

– I consistently ask myself: “Is what I’m doing right now the absolute best use of my time?”

Marketing strategy: I prefer print, online, mobile, advertising, etc. as my marketing strategy and I want to maximize my return on investment with efficient, targeted marketing that get results.

Self-Doubt: As an upcoming entrepreneur it’s extremely easy to get discouraged when something goes wrong or when we’re not growing as fast as we would like to.

Having a good support system will help: family and friends who know your goals and support your plight, as well as an advisory board of other entrepreneurs who can objectively opine as to the direction of your business.

How do you lead your company and help it sustain in a competitive environment? I try to get the proper understanding of the market and its segments by looking for those niches that aren’t well serviced by competitors and can be profitably targeted and sold to. I try to find out what customers really want and establish a value proposition that grabs their attention.

What is that one aspect or emotion that drives you at work or keeps you motivated?

Helping others and empowering people is what motivates me the most. The idea that I can make people more beautiful by using power of makeup is what motivates me. To understand and empathize with people is crucial for me.

As a business leader what is your opinion on the current landscape of business given that the pandemic has been adversely affecting every industry.

It’s hard for many of us to feel in control as the global pandemic drags on.

Social Media is an inseparable part of the daily life of youth. Your thoughts about it and how do you leverage its power for the company?

The internet and social media provide young people with a range of benefits, and opportunities to empower themselves in a variety of ways. As an entrepreneur I can maintain social connections and support networks that otherwise wouldn’t be possible and can access more information than ever before.

What are your future objectives and where do you see yourself in near future?

“I see myself growing and advancing in my career over the next few years. I envision performing at a higher level to meet and even exceed my performance goals. I envision performing my job at a progressively higher level with more responsibilities.”

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