Nasah Petals: Engrave Your Special Moments

Faiyaaz Hasan | Nafeez Hasan | Co-founder | Nasah Petals
Faiyaaz Hasan | Nafeez Hasan | Co-founder | Nasah Petals

Of all the divine creations, flowers are perhaps bestowed with some special powers. Their mere presence is certain to light up a human face. Flowers have their own language it seems. Their symmetry, colours and fragrance have always intrigued human beings who have been trying to replicate them in various art forms. They are the most simple way to greet people you know or may be total strangers.
Whatever be the occasion or your relation with a person, there’s always a flower that you can present them. Throughout history, flowers have been used as special symbols to communicate an idea or a feeling. Different flowers and even different colours of the same flower are often used to express sentiments.
Roses, for example are used to communicate a myriad  of emotions. For example a red rose is used to express feelings of love, while yellow means friendship.
In case, one is not aware of which flower to choose for a particular situation, Bangladesh-based Nasah Petals are here to the rescue. Founded with an idea of bringing uniqueness at a private wedding ceremony, the idea bloomed like a flower itself and turned into a full-fledged company that is revolutionising the floral and home decor market in South East Asia.
A Novel Idea
Nasah Petals started out with the intention of developing the unorganized floral and home décor retail market. It launched its operations from Dhaka, Bangladesh and in less then 3 years, scaled from 1 to 5 outlets. It plans on opening 2 more outlets in the coming 9 months. The company believes in providing high quality to customers and so cultivates the finest quality flowers. Its innovative idea of engraving natural flowers and working with other 100% eco-friendly products is in sync with nature and merges with its aim of think green, become green.
Nasah adds a mesmerizing dramatic touch to the flowers with the help of its content engraving machines. It prints or engraves customised content on roses. The customer’s message is engraved on roses creating a customised experience. It also delivers happiness through its floral themed gift packages including engraved flowers, chocolate bouquets and customized gifts. These customised hampers can be curated as per the customer’s wish. It also offers late night deliveries for special surprising moments. The company loves to give homes an instant makeover with delicate and beautifully designed vases, home decor items, artificial flowers and other garden related services.
The Founding Brothers
The Founder Faiyaaz Hasan was struck with the idea during Nafeez Hasan’s wedding, about 4 years ago. He wanted to assist with the wedding preparations with something new and exciting. During his research, he came across a concept of engraving fresh flowers with content. This immediately had caught his eye which allowed him to further research on the product and industry. What started as a concept of being different in a wedding went onto become their first commercial product for Bangladesh. The brothers since then, have been managing and growing the company.
Spreading Happiness through Business
Nasah works with three point key focus:

  • Prepare and distribute customised roses and various types of personalised hampers and bouquets.
  • Create a model through which licensees could equip themselves with the company’s packages in order to initiate a flexible income source (work at home model).
  • Sell and distribute its range of flower engraving machines (Flower Printers)

As a franchisee, it provides a platform for young entrepreneurs to establish their own business. It is currently providing franchising options to entrepreneurs from Australia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore.
Nafeez believes that the most outlining benefit of this business is that there is no recession in this business. He says, “People will not stop marrying, celebrating or spending on chocolates and gifts. The business will go on.” In addition to that, Nasah’s franchise partners enjoy

  • Higher profitability and ROI
  • Low operating cost and staffing requirement
  • High customer base due to high demand
  • Mentoring to operate the business efficiently, training and constant support
  • Right to adjust the business operations according to one’s own country’s culture, desire and demand
  • Innovative ideas and support for national marketing and advertisement

Nasah Petals, as a partnering company looks for people who have

  • Passion to start their own business
  • Crave for success
  • Ability to think out of the box
  • Eagerness to take on the venture

Taking it Forward
The founding duo have achieved success through Determination, dedication and persistence right from the start. They advise the young entrepreneurs saying, “Don’t be afraid of failures! Each failure will take you one step closer to Success!”
For its own growth, Nasah Petals would like to be a leader in the fresh flowers and home décor segments of Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, etc. It also hopes to introduce industry related services like garden management, organic produce delivery, etc. Nasah Petals is willing to take the advantage of the rapidly growing floral industry and together with its partners, is on a mission to spread the majestic essence of flowers all around the world.

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