Transcell Biolife: The Next Generation Biobank with Global Outlook

S Dravida | Founder | CEO | Transcell Biolife[medical, healthcare requirement, biobank, ScellCare, healthcare services]
S Dravida | Founder | CEO | Transcell Biolife

Biobanking is going to be the new world order to provide first-in-class transformative medicine replacing hospitals and based medical, healthcare institutions. As far as the bio-samples are considered, storing for applications will evolve to become a blue-chip industry. Biobank derivatives put to applications are forecast to be pegged at 500 billion global market opportunity covering big data in genomics, drug discovery, development, CAR-T cell therapies, transplantations, repair, and regeneration.

Transcell Biolife was founded to be a biobank for the intended applications; built on preservation theme and technology translated to apply.

In Biolife’s context with credible in-house R&D, Intellectual property surrounding the story as translating the prowess of adult stem cell technologies to the intended applications, thebiosamples derived stem cell units and data are invaluable assets in the repository. The belief and the conviction have been handling the right kind of bio-samples, derived cellular platforms depending on the use, with Biolife’s team emerging as revenants in the wake of industry transformation, adaptation.

With a track record of offering bio storage products and related services, Biolife today has positioned itself addressing expectant families and families with kids aged between 5 and 11- year markets. The vision of the company is to become an epicenter biobank for Asia facilitating transformative medicine. Biolife is a revelation from India in the field of biobanking with applications shown beyond autologous presentations.

Extraordinary Services and Products


ScellCare is into storing umbilical cord, bone marrow and bio-sample derivatives (cellular units and stem cell transcriptomics). Collection is non-invasive, painless, and poses no risk to the donor, while source is being categorized as biological discards. In India, blood forming (hematopoietic) stem cells from bone marrow or umbilical (nadi) cord blood are routinely used to treat blood cancers and different blood disorders as Standard Care in managing 40 different kind of diseases. The stem cell transcriptomics derived report is predictive (not diagnostic) in nature with details on the donor stem cells genomics in readable format. This is completely next generation feature of the biobanking service that Biolife has integrated into it’s regular offering.


Dental stem cells are adult stem cells found in wisdom teeth and baby teeth. They are being studied for applications in regenerative medicine and dentistry while over 2000 clinical trials are ongoing at global level. ToothScell program acquires donor’s tooth stem cell nucleotide sequence before cryopreserving the units in the repository. Identification of disease genes from the sequence can have applications in proactive healthcare approach and predictive testing. Relationship of dental stem cell molecular markers with other systemic illnesses like that of heart ailments, diabetes, immune disorders are known. ToothScell is a comprehensive and progressive relationship with it’s clients offering precious service from collected bio-sample.

Benefits for Clients

Insightful, Latest, Modern, Credible, Transcell Biolife’s laboratory driven original data converted to users’ precious experience in the form of biobanking related solutions. Biolife empowers them by offering these solutions to act informed addressing their family’s wholistic medical, healthcare requirement.

The Leader with Vision

S Dravida, the Founder, and CEO is a scientist by profession, practicing to translate the group’s proprietary stem cell platform technologies to applications. With utmost dedication and focus on delivering maximum with minimum input philosophy, she has orchestrated Biolife for preserving all precious things to offer the intended applications keeping stakeholder value in mind. It is her vision, which is built on the team’s strengths to become Asia’s epicenter biobank playing a key role in facilitating the derived applications, that sets Biolife apart from the rest of the players.

L Krishna is the head of Operations with Biolife team. He has been the core member with technical, and medical background contributing to the success of present operations.  His alignment, passion for the company’s mission and vision translating to setting an example with Biolife achieving operational efficiency is a rare talent. He plays a crucial role in bridging the facilities and the field dynamics with commitment.

Adopting Digital Disruptions

The company believes and practices original research driving the business offerings from Biolife and so has built unique internal complex processes customized connecting digitization.  Starting from the client enrolment, till the promised service from the Biobank is delivered, the entire operational (technical and sales) process is wired while handling privacy related matters as per the rule of the country

Overcoming the Challenges

We operate from India and this market is crowded with known businesses, models, markets for example cord blood banking which is commoditized. So, it was difficult for us to get practitioners, evangelists, ambassadors, sales champions in the beginning who could proactively be our referral points promoting our story that has unique differentiators with proven track record”, S Dravida recollects.

Further, she says, “To our honest self and after facing the market and the customers for the past 7 years continuously sharing our ups and downs that are different from the others,Biolife stands tall today with great connection established with needy market. The discovered growth formula addressing bio-sample storage disruptively is the ground breaking strategy breaking all the growth deteriorating challenges in this space. The vision, operating team’s adaptability, ability to connect with the user (B2B or B2C) on Biolife’s strengths, core capacities have set any competition at bay in the market.

The Future Roadmap

As far as Biolife’s internal growth in India, it is planned to be organic by strengthening facilities, adding channel partners from North and Eastern states to handle volumes while thegrowth formula embraced by Biolife positions the company as epicenter biobank in Asia building assets in the repository to apply”, S Dravida expresses her view regarding the future road map for the company.

Biolife operates with a purpose and the fact that it has growing clientele and collaborations in India is a testimonial in its language.

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