Uma Shankar Bhardwaj: Delivering Novelty & Quality in the Digital Advertising Industry

Uma Shankar Bhardwaj

Entrepreneurship is nothing less than an art. It is about creating something novel, formulating the strategic plan, representing the organization in business and the media, and motivating the company in the right direction. Establishing the ability to thrive under pressure, juggle multiple demands, grasp new concepts quickly, and recognize potential opportunities are the stepping stones that contribute to the bottom line of the Entrepreneurship. In order to become a successful entrepreneur one must have a considerable amount of intelligence, focus, determination and flair for the business.
A man with such cocktail of skills, painted the canvas with his own selected colors and has successfully reached the top of his career pyramid is Uma Shankar Bhardwaj.

While working with a multinational software development company and handling their projects in US, he planned to start a Digital Advertising Project in India with his colleagues from the UK. Unlocking a higher potential by merging technology and digital media approach under one roof, he along with is colleagues brought an UK based company ‘Adrevenue’ to India. The business successfully ran for two years with Uma Shankar being the CEO and Managing Director of the Indian operations. The UK Based company Adrevenue decided to close the operations in India after 2 Years, that motivated him to be the Founder and CEO of the entrepreneurial project iAvatarZ Digital.
About the Bootstrap Project iAvatarZ
With the fluctuations in the digital advertising market, the company transformed itself into a leading Ad-network having a strong presence in India, Middle East & South East Asia. Under the leadership of Uma iAvatarZ is adopting the cutting-edge technology and working with the client-masses worldwide. It is engaging automation in its operations and offering innovative integrated online marketing solutions efficiently. It focuses on delivering quality resulting in generation of competent traffic to meet its objectives.
Today, the unique advertising qualities of iAvatarZ working to its core have made it a brand.
“We are a passionate team with strong expertise in media optimization and technology usage in digital platforms supported by firm relationship with large base of quality publishers and innovative technology developed in-house.” says Uma.
A Visionary Creative Leader
Uma is a Software engineer with a strong background in Computer Science and Management. He started his career working as a software engineer with a German MNC and developed multiple applications and automation software for big MNCs to small-scale startups in his entrepreneurial project. This helped him to gain management skills and run his business profitably. His dedication and vision to understand the best has kept the company a forerunner in the digital advertising market even after a decade.
The entrepreneurial journey of Uma at iAvatarZ has paved a creative way through the growing digital world and cherished each and every opportunity. He always believes in keeping calm and learning from the mistakes to withstand the market complexities. Making himself better every day, Uma never looked back powering the company to expand beyond the horizons.
He has made sure that the employees will get full freedom to deliver their responsibilities. Due to open work culture they feel comfortable and are encouraged for better decision-making. This leads to generation of new ideas for a successful business model.
Uma states that “We make sure our aspirations are in sync with our vision to remain profitable even in tough times”.
The Helping Hands
Vish Bajaj the Founder & CEO of Value First has been a prime mentor in Uma’s early stages of entrepreneurship. His guidance helped Uma to achieve the title of a successful businessman and also lended a hand towards gathering critical insights about the industry. Uma was also motivated about the development in the digital industry by the Founder & CEO of Adrevenue, UK, Paul Quarterman.
Besides, he attributes the success of iAvatarZ to its employees for putting their hard work, time, dedication. He is proud of his team iAvatarZ who embraced constant changes, reassessed strategies and goals for the long term sustainability. This is the key motivation for Uma making him a successful leader in the digital advertising market.
Advice to the Budding Entrepreneurs
Uma believes that people learn from their mistakes. He suggests the new-age business entrepreneurs to be the leaders in their respective domains and take necessary actions which help them in growing their business. His advice to them is to be patient and always have micro management with respect to their objectives. He puts forth his idea of breaking the goals in small pieces and reassessing them from time-to-time.
He proclaims that “If one is invested in any business for a long term then only you can unlock a greater profitability out of the same”.
The Futuristic Approach
Uma understand the business better and always make sure that his team is here for a long term value enhancement. He commits to opening a multiple other businesses and make them scalable and profitable in the coming future. He will continue to share responsibilities and vision with is team. He ensures that his management team will take more control of iAvatarZ operations and take successful elevations in the future.

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