Mister Market.in: Guiding Clients with Value Based Investment

Akshay Nalavade| Mister Market.in
Akshay Nalavade | Founder | MD | Mistermarket.in

If it’s too good to be true, mostly likely it could be a trap. The world of stocks and shares is full of them. What’s funny though is that apparently educated folks too fall for it, sometimes to land deep, deep down.

Helping apparently educated folks make money on the stock markets while avoiding the pitfalls brought about by juicy unresearched titbits is Mistermarket.in, a stock trainer & advisor with a difference, a difference which remains quite profound.

The Turning Point

It started almost a decade back in 2012 with Akshay Nalavade, the Founder-MD of Mistermarket.in having th cleared the most important exam of his life, the 10 boards. Planning life ahead like any other kid his age then, he discovered the stock-market. While others went about camping and playing games, Akshay Nalavade was to pour over the basics of bulls and bears. Using limited resources available to him then which included books and the internet, he got a hang of things – all by himself. Those were to lay the foundation stone of Mistermarket.in.

Some months down the line, armed with knowledge that he thought was adequate for the job at hand, his own demat account and a sum of Rs 50000.00, he entered the haloed portals of the stock markets. With dreams of making a name for himself in stocks besides earning handsomely, he started putting his knowledge to its best use. Destiny though, had other plans. The first two years of his tryst with the stockmarket ended up in losses. It didn’t deter him. On the contrary, it brought some steel to his resolve. With a long horizon in sight, he sat down to analyse what had gone wrong in these two years.

The Realization

Realization dawned pretty quickly that he had fallen prey to wayward tips from unspecified sources with little precisions coming in the way of research either from the source or by himself. This brought a quite understanding that there isn’t quite anything like one’s own research which into the present sees him do some serious in-depth analysis of stocks and securities from every perceivable angle. Analysis in itself would be of little use if it isn’t followed by some serious strategies to earn while you learn. In Akshay’s case, learning and earning was followed by something very pleasant. A loyal clientele. What started out with teaching and giving tips to those around him including friends, family, their families and so on, led to Akshay teaching them about stocks in some depth. The best part wasn’t just the adulation coming his way. It was the success of those tips, tricks and training he was imparting. They made money and came back for more. That’s when the idea struck him of getting into it full-time and teaching people all about stocks, shares and making money on the stock-markets in a much more organized way- To Earn Money From Teaching.

Current Offerings

Currently, in its bouquet of services, Mistermarket.in places education on financial markets and related aspects at a very prominent place. They do this with competitively-priced courses for as low as a thousand rupees which these days is getting them the right attention from the right quarters who in some cases has got them close to a 100 happy-learners in a single month. This, says Akshay, could be their potential money-spinner in times to come with increasingly large numbers getting into the field of equities, money-markets and everything which signifies stock-market products. Among its other prominent offers is stock- advises to those wanting to make good returns without getting into tiring work of reasearching securities by themselves.

The Speed-Breakers

With everything looking their rosiest best, could it be that there aren’t any thorns around? There are, even in the case of Mistermarket.in. And why shouldn’t it? That, after all is life, the way the founder Akshay sees it. For them, their share of thorns can be categorized in two forms.

First, their pricing. Priced competitively, it comes as quite a shock to Akshay, when people doubt the quality and worth of the courses- this when he has spent hours and days poring over every bit to make it as contemporary and meaningful as is possible. Patience being a much-valued virtue in the trade of stocks, he takes it in his stride, and patiently explains to everyone asking that he is in the trade for the long terms. He equates it to the much-feted and felicitated compounding effect which is visible only to those working patiently for the long, long term.

The second pin-prick is what goes in the name of advises “online”. With Google playing God in practically every aspect of life, stock-market pundits find it an effective way to peddle predictions and prey on the hapless. Here too his legendary patience wins the day. While using the best tools and information to give out predictions, he keeps his channel of communication open to everyone who wants his help or is ready to listen to him. As for the internet itself and more so social media, Mistermarket.in uses the same extensively to advertise their presence, products and achievements. On social media, Akshay says it’s one of the best and most cost-effective of ways to go to the largest number of people. Today they garner close to two thousand new audience every month which they plan to take up to an astounding ten thousand every month in just a few months from now.

What’s in Store

In all this Mistermarket.in has some sane advice to newbies on the stock-markets which starts with a single line: There are no turbulent times in markets for a smart investor, only opportunities. People who panicked in intial period of pandemic when market was crashing sold their darling stocks at steep losses now regret as markets have recovered. On the contrary those including people advised by them who bought at market low are seeing their portfolios up by 50-60% YTD.

Mistermarket.in’s moto remains “buy low is much better than sell high”. This fits well with Dalal Street’s “Bhaav bhagwaan hai” statement. In coming years, they aspire to be the ‘One stop shop’ in stocks with Education, Advisory & Asset Management being their forte. Efforts are on to get all the relevant permissions in place from regulators.

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