Renish Trading – Your mentor for financial matters

Renish Trading
Renish Patel | Founder | Renish Trading

With the ongoing pandemic, not many would venture into a new business, barring for those related to medical and related fields. But one person dared to open a start-up to help people with their investments during trying times like this when people are lost and in need of genuine guidance. Thus, Renish Trading came into being six months back. Since then it has been relentlessly catering to the needs of its client and has managed to retain the satisfaction levels of its clients. We at Insights Success took a peek at the initiation of the project, the services and secret behind its success in a matter of barely six months.

The inception

We initiated this as a start-up six months back. Being an entrepreneur we came up with a solution to many people who were in search for a way in between this pandemic situation, where it has become too difficult for any layman to generate his needed revenue due to hard struck economy and shutdowns. We are solving that with our training and advisory services. As while starting any new entrepreneurial project, we also faced some or other pullbacks during this COVID-19. We still managed to outgrow it in this short duration with good reach amongst the clientele.

Services and solutions

We mainly provide solutions related to technical training/mentoring and investment advisory service on short term and long-term duration basis as per client’s personal requirement.

The motivation behind this industry

Vadodara-based, Renish Patel is the Founder. He is pursuing his second post-graduation in finance after completing his engineering degree in Canada. He is all of 22 years and started this entrepreneurial passion in providing solutions based on financial services to clients. An ever-growing industry like financial market has been there since centuries and will always be there. Being one of the most growing and in-demand sectors of all time in human history. He personally got hands on experience since he was 18 years and got many ill-fated experiences on learning the stock market and solving personal financial freedom through it.

Investment philosophy

About the investment philosophy of the company, he says, “What you see around you with your eyes and mind open is what you invest in. Never put both of your legs to check the depth of water in ocean – Diversification”.

The company advises diversification as the best option whether during the pandemic or otherwise. As they say, Customer is the King, so is the case here with the client’s benefit being of utmost importance to the company.

Obstacles and/or limitations

Every company faces hurdles while growing, sustaining or retaining its clientele, particularly in the initial stages. Once you overcome the teething problems, the challenges are easier to overcome. And Renish Trading also has its share of challenges to deal with. The digital platforms have made it all the more difficult in addition to the cutthroat competition in the market. Renish Trading has adapted to these changing trends in an attempt to overcome any problems that could cause hurdles.

“Every growing competition and digital world have both overwhelming pros as well as cons balanced. Digital platforms changed algorithm related to micro-level advertising and marketing impacts the growth of any new start-up’s reach,” shares Renish.

Helping people learn in digital era

Digital medium has made it possible for people to invest by themselves. While agreeing that people can invest on their own with readily available digital media, Renish says that there is a lot more to do for people wanting to invest.

“Really, digital mediums have made it easily possible for people to meet, learn, invest and grow together. Still digital media is so much underestimated and has many way better aspects to help to make learning and investing much easier,” observes Renish.

Advice to the investors in current turbulent times

During times like this, keeping emotions in check is very important. Diversify investments furthermore and keep a regular check over it.

The company in the coming years

A lot of transformation and growth is to be expected in field of learning new aspects of investing in multiple time durations. Also, an advanced advisory service addition for personalised growth of individual clients in relation to the financial market will be in place.

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