In this rapidly changing scenario of global competition, not only advancement in technology and the gradual shift from muscle to machine has played a vital role but also issues like women empowerment has played a pivotal role which needs to be highlighted. Today’s women are the multitaskers, at home they play the role of a housewife and outside as a wage earner, and both of these are really important for the overall development of a good society and the nation as a whole. And one such multitasker and the face of modern empowered women is Sangita Jha.
Sangita Jha, Founder & Director of JNJ Management Consultancy Services, is a steadfast entrepreneur who believes in the mantra of “Never Stop Learning,” and this can be proved by her zeal to take up higher studies even after her daughter was born. Her positive instincts and goal oriented thinking has always helped her to slowly climb the stairs to achieve success.
Being the founder and director herself, Sangita believes that for a founder/CEO of a company, it’s really vital to know how to manage people (staffs, vendors, clients, associates, investors). Taking right, ethical and kind human approach in every aspect of business and personal life. Also, choosing the right path between right and wrong and choosing best path between two right paths.
Understanding the Concept of Unlearning and Self Learning
According to Sangita “Unlearning” is a concept which comes automatically when someone takes up the right learning in core of their hearts. Understanding the subject deeply, challenging traditional way of thought process or learning, continuously questioning own self, blindly believing that nothing is impossible is the way by which one can push themselves towards their path of passion.
I have developed all my skills through self-learning, learning from my mentors, learning from daily activities happening around me, learning from mistakes, learning from situations. Every time I challenge myself and push myself a little bit more to check my ability of resistance in terms of absorbing pain, being strong at bad times, celebrating good and bad, ups and downs of life. I don’t believe in only highs of life. Lows of life are much more important which makes me even better, stronger, learner, asserts Sangita.
JNJ Management Consultancy Services: A Company on Which You can Rely Upon
JNJ Management Consultancy Services’ inception took place on 08.03.2011 (On International Women’s Day) under the able guidance of Ms Sangita Jha. And today, JNJ is known to do CSR planning and execution, Sustainability reporting and consultancy,, System Certification Consultancy, Product Certification, Lean application, Six sigma application, Quality control tools usage, TQM practices, Training and Workshops, Audit & GAP Analysis, CE Marking, ISO 26000, ISO 18000, ISO 14000, and ISO 9001, etc. Timely execution is JNJ’a forte, and providing hassle-free official procedures, high quality and reliable services is their aim.
At JNJ management they have an outstanding team of professionals, endeavoring best of their potential to make the services stand apart from the rest. Before giving any certificates for products as well as companies, JNJ’s team conducts stringent field surveys to acquire proper knowledge about the same. In addition to this, they execute all these services without giving any hassle to their esteemed customers.
Sangita’s Mantra of Success
For Sangita, her kind mind and soul is one of the key attribute towards gaining success. JNJ being an ethical company, Sangita believes that she should not only be kind to her clients but also to each and every person around her.
I always strongly believed that women are always better when they use their heart and mind at optimum level. Only a woman possesses a heart to leave the family, house and people she up-brought with for 23-24 long years and then suddenly accepting life style, food habits, people of another family. They have strong steady heart. When that strong heart is tuned and balanced with strategic mind, a woman becomes the strongest human being, says Sangita.
Sangita does things which she loves doing. And she loves her work, so she never feels the burden of working. For Sangita working is like enjoying a fun ride. We mostly ponder upon a question; How to balance personal and professional life? For this Sangita has an answer – Family life is automatically balanced because inherently I’m a responsible and sensible person. So I never feel that I’m doing anything extra, I’m just doing what I love to do and I love to take care of my family. It’s from within.
Source :- Inspiring Stories of Indian Women Leaders in Business