Sensorise: Securing the Management of Connections through Various Devices Development


Sensorise Digital Services is an Indian startup, which is emerging as a prominent solution provider for M2M connectivity and networks, embedded design, secure applications, cloud-based portals, and solutions in M2M/IoT space with their cutting-edge proven telecom solutions. Sensorise is the first company to bring multi-MNO eUICC (embedded SIM cards) to India. Concentrating on cost-effective engineering and high quality of service, it supplies end to end solutions in life cycle management of eSIM and IoT devices.
Sensorise embarked on a journey to solve the challenges they experienced in M2M connectivity area and became the first company to bring the multi-MNO eUICC (Embedded SIM cards) to India. The eUICC has been in use in the countries like USA, UK, Germany, and France but introducing it in India was a huge challenge. Other than the technology, it required building Telco partnerships, consulting and certification of OEMs, evangelization with standards and policy-making and the loads of capable supply chain processes required for any telecom solution. A significant USP is the Sensorise ability to supply the eUICC in any form factor at any scale.
Additionally, Sensorise has developed substantial domestic and international partnerships for bringing end-to-end solutions in the area of wireless sensors for its Smart Office and Smart Home solution suite of solutions. Sensorise has made significant investments in testing and deployment of these solutions using a carrier class portal hosted in India. All the Sensorise sensors comply with the Indian Z-wave frequency, are easy to install and natively integrated to the SenseMatic Portal and App. Offering a great service, which is secure and easy to use, is the critical aspect of the Sensorise service. The company’s pioneering solution can be installed in any existing buildings and houses without having to do any wiring. If a company shifts from one office to other, these can be easily taken out and installed on other premises.
An Erudite Leader of the Company
With more than twenty-two years of experience in the telecom sector Sharad Arora, is the Founder and MD of Sensorise. Previously he had five years of experience in the field of electronics and R&D in the Office Automation industry. He is the chief architect of Sensorise and also the main industry connects for the company. Sharad spends a significant share of his time on development of IoT / M2M / Telecom standards participating in various standards and technical committees. His strategy is to manifest Sensorise’s Brand Tagline – “Connect and Serve”.
Sensorise is emerging as a cutting-edge solution provider in the areas of M2M Connectivity, Remote Asset Management, Quality of Service and Security, as this is where the industry needs are and the technology gaps are most visible. He believes in a performance culture based on openness and transparency in all internal and external transactions.
Products which makes the company Ingenious
Sensorise’s product portfolio consists of –

  • QoSIMTM: Multi-Operator SIM card in Embedded as well as pluggable form factor to provide, Secure and high QoS connectivity to the M2M devices.
  • SenseLCMTM: Portal to manage life cycle of Connectivity and Devices
  • SenseTise: Solution to capture customer feedback data, reliability and securely transfer it to servers for analytics and decision making.
  • SenseTrack: Solution for remote asset tracking and monitoring.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunity
Sharad highlights, “Much has been written about the explosive growth of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT) with staggering projection of numbers. A commercial M2M use case requires an ecosystem of (a) Device Manufacturers (OEM) (b) Network Connectivity Providers (TSP & OSP) (c) Government policies, standards and regulators and (d) End-user to work together. The government has seen this challenge and envisaged the need for an M2M Service Provider (M2MSP).
The beneficiary M2M / IoT Industry is besotted with problems of factory fitment of embedded connectivity, industrial grade cards, secure and manageable subscriptions. With the innovation of QoSIM product, Sensorise has adopted the relevant standards to develop a solution that overcomes these challenges, through embedded SIM as security token. A draft guideline on M2M SP registration was released for industry consultations by DoT in May 2016, which has been endorsed by the honorable TRAI as part of its 5 Sep 2017 M2M Guidelines. Sensorise sees this as a big enabler for the Automotive, Transport, Metering and Remote Asset Management sectors and hopes to be a role-model M2M SP in time to come.”
Work Culture of the Company
Sensorise is a technology startup, and most of the team which came on board is highly experienced with decades of knowledge in their field, which spans across Telecom, Cloud Infrastructure, and Analytics & Supply Chain.  They hire people with an entrepreneurial mindset. This helps the company to continue agility and flexibility. The company follows agile methodology not only for the development purpose but also in project management. Every day they take inter-departmental status review meeting and appreciate the new actions that are generated and assigned. These information exchange platforms enable everyone to share their views, agree on a plan and remain focused towards the unified organization goals. The organization encourages their team members to take initiatives and back them if something fails.
Appreciative Ongoing Projects
At the moment, Sensorise is participating in the Swachh Bharat Mission project of installing Customer Feedback Devices in the public and community toilets. They are providing an end-to-end solution which includes the device, connectivity, and management, secure data transfer between device and server and application portal with machine learning models hosted on Class 5 cloud data center.
In addition to this, Sensorise is enhancing their QoSimTM product to be able to provide diagnostics information for the customer to root cause analysis in case of loss of data.
Sharad added, “Biggest focus is on information exchange processes and agile methodologies. We are deploying tools as and where needed to enable this. We believe once people understand the purpose they would be able to take right decisions and put in right efforts.”
A Bright Future Ahead
Embedded SIM cards are the key factor behind the successful deployment of M2M/IoT use cases. In the last few years majority of the deployment has been in industrial use cases. However, with the launch of Samsung Gear and the Google Pixel phone with the embedded SIM, the eSIM capability is reaching out to the consumer segment.  The honorable TRAI has already seen the significant benefit to the IoT/M2M enabled industry with the capability of embedded SIM and Remote Provisional Subscription profiles. Once the DoT policy is released, this will enable TSPs / MVNOs/ M2MSPs to service the dispersed IoT / M2M assets with highly serviceable connectivity. Sensorise is ready with solutions to to provide the required features as and when they are allowed by policies and regulations.

Source :- The 30 Most Preferred Tech Workplaces

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