Snehal Jain: Assisting your Company to Choose the Right Candidate

business leader| Human Forte| HR| Shepreneur| entrepreneur | start-up |mid-sized companies
Snehal Jain | Founder & CEO | Human Forte

The most important aspect of any company is hiring an appropriate candidate. However, many a time, companies aren’t very sure about candidates. At the same time, the candidate also needs to know what he/she will be acquiring if he decides to join the company. Fostering all the HR needs of the current world, Human Forte, headed by Snehal Jain is providing endless quality service.


Snehal Jain is the Founder and CEO of Human Forte. After a due thought on career options, HR is something that really caught Snehal’s attention. Realizing how important it is for organizations to find the right people and for people to find the right organization was fascinating. After all, it’s nothing less than a relationship, though a professional one. After giving herself some good exposure and experience in renowned corporates, Snehal gained the confidence to give her dream a beginning – her own end to end human resources advisory firm.

Through this interview, Snehal elaborates about her exciting life journey along with her career growth.

  1. Being a successful business leader, what difficulties and challenges do you face? What keeps you motivated?

When I started, the challenge was to put everything you have at stake to make it a success and to make it big. The kind of market and the situation was not at all in favour of the way you expect things to be otherwise. Today, as a workforce requirement, there is always a tight timeline plus a mismatch between what an organization is anticipating and what they’re getting. Therefore, I have decided to opt for a different path, providing quality.

The service industry is all about delight and when our clients reap the benefits of this hard work, that’s what keeps us motivated.

  1. Describe the one aspect you possess which makes you unique?

Being a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur has definitely given the edge of being a multi-tasker. At the same time, being a people’s person, people management is something that comes naturally to me. Last but not the least, choosing a profession that is also your passion has its own perks. Your clients can experience the difference.

  1. Brief us about the vision of Human Forte and its services.

My vision for Human Forte is to be able to keep doing better, keep learning from the best practices from across the globe and even create new benchmarks for the world ourselves. Like they say, ‘Dream it, then make it happen!’

Human Forte is an executive search firm which focuses on start-up and mid-sized companies. When you hire for a start-up, you just are believing in the idea which is going to work so its very niche and challenging too. We have successfully helped them scale to the next level with our personalised recruitment services plus providing with manpower planning, organizational structural planning, performance management systems as well as training and development.

  1. How do you motivate your team to be innovative and productive at work?

We have built a culture of excellence at Human Forte. We keep doing something new. We do training and development programs, keep looking for solutions for the challenges we face and that our clients face.

We also focus on creating a good working environment that people can cherish and grow in so that they are motivated to deliver and outdo themselves.

  1. What is your opinion regarding the current landscape of the market your company caters to?

In spite of the slowdown, we think there is a tremendous amount of scope in the current business landscape, be it domestic or international. With the new start-up culture across the globe, people are exploiting their potential to the fullest and people will always be required to fuel companies’ ambitions further.

  1. Please tell us about your achievements and accomplishments

Being able to serve delight to our customers and their loyalty towards us has been our best accomplishment. I’m glad these efforts have also been applauded by Silicon India when they crowned me with the title of Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015 and the CEO Magazine that featured me as – one of the 25 Most Influential Women in India in 2017.

  1. Where do you envision yourself and your company in the near future?

In Jeff Bezos’ words, “If you’re competitor focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.” We have our entire focus on our customers. That’s where our ideas come from. That’s where our efforts go. Doing that has brought us a long way and I’m sure will take us far ahead. We’re working towards bringing some innovations and keep getting better at what we do.

Furthermore, I will also continue to nurture my relationship with my daughter and my family, while exploring newer skillsets and qualities of my own.

  1. What is your advice to the budding and aspiring entrepreneurs?

When you think, start it, build on it and don’t look back. Toughen yourself up for the hard work, not the short cut. The road can be challenging but the satisfaction when you get back home is matchless. When you can become a catalyst in making your people’s dreams come true, when you can become a partner your client can rely on, you’ll know you’re doing something right. And the roads will keep opening up and giving you more and more opportunities. It’s your time. Take the leap of faith within yourself.

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