Xi Finserv Limited: Offering the Most Convenient Financial Services

The financial services industry plays a vital intermediary role in the world economy as it moves money from entities with excess funds to those with a need for funds. It includes firms that are engaged in activities such as investing, lending, insurance, securities trading, and securities issuance. Xi Finserv Limited is one such leading financial services providing company with diversified and broad range of financial products and services to a substantial client base including Individuals to Industries.
Refined and Expanded Services of Xi Finserv
Founded in 2015, in Mumbai, Xi Finserv has offered clients a convenient and friendly way to look at financial services for over 3 years. There are basically 11 partners and all from different background of finance and that is why they carry the name Xi Finserv (Eleven Finserv). The company has multiple companies in their portfolio and domain but the major company that they work in is Xi Finserv Limited. So basically, the work is carried out on all the domains of the clients such as insurance, loans, financing, investment banking, stock marketing and the crypto currencies, which is very new to India right now.
Over the years, Xi Finserv have refined and expanded its services and have grown to become one of the largest professional and Knowledge Bank and support Center in the country dedicated to serving the financial and banking sector. The company is now working in almost all the possible domains where they can.
The Remarkable Man behind Xi Finserv
Priyank Agarwal is the Chief Financial Controller at Xi Finserv Limited. He worked before as an investment banker with a thing in his mind to do something of his own. He always wanted to create something new and something good for the people of India, a developing nation. Specifically finance, it is something which is taken a bit like thing which is not very familiar or not very friendly to people.
Priyank is an investment banker by profession and an entrepreneur by heart. He has been working on with multiple companies and multiple startups. He has also been consulting couple of companies as a freelancer on their fundraising requirements, on their corporate fundraising. Post to Priyank worked with different companies for couple of years, mentored a couple of startups and then he gradually took exit and started his own company.
“Even today in India, when we talk to people I am a financer, give me some money for investment, they fear it. They think that they will lose their money, and they will lose their life earnings. That is not the case; finance is a huge domain where things from basic financial planning can be achieved with absolutely no risk. When there are certain no risk taking investment options, there are certain loans, there are lot many technicality feasible loans and insurances. There are number of options in finance and we need to make people aware and make them closer to what the finance is. I strongly believe that finance is something that should be a part of everyone’s life because that is how we can plan our future,” asserts Priyank.
Quality of Service is the Key
Xi Finserv believes that their quality of service helps them in maintaining long term relationship with clients. In financial segment, they need to maintain a relationship like a client and a professional. Most of the company’s clients also invite the Co-founders on functions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, dinner, and it’s more like a relation between two friends. So this is how Xi Finserv maintains relationship with all its clients. The most interesting part is, in this two and a half years of journey the clients of the company haven’t withdrawn any money from them, which is indeed appreciable.
The Values & Factors
Government regulations are bigger challenges in India right now. According to Xi Finserv, there are lots of challenges as a financial company in India. The foremost challenge is the RBI regulations. Apart from this, from client’s perspective and marketing perspective there is not any challenge because this is a service oriented business and as far as we are giving good and quality service, we are good to go.
Xi Finserv believes that here is just one factor that is helping them to succeed, which is the quality of service and the way of working. They work in a very huge manner, and basically in an old school manner. The company does not work like most of the startups do right now.
Believe in Yourself and Never Quit
According to Xi Finserv, their strength is their employees. The company has an enthusiastic team working for them and there were some instances when Xi Finserv was not able to pay them enough salary. But they never quit. They believed, “There will be a moment not today but tomorrow.” Everyone in the team is dedicated towards their work profile and salaries are the secondary thing that Xi Finserv thinks of, but firstly they are dedicated to achieve their goals and achieve their timely targets, and that is the biggest strength the company has.
The future plan of Xi Finserv is to come up with government friendly Crypto currencies in India along with new technology introduced in the sector of finance, probably in the area of digital payments and digital economy. The company is working on Artificial Intelligence and a blockchain to create, so that they are better version of digital currencies. The company is also planning to launch it in 2018. They are working on some technological background of Artificial Intelligence.
Source :-The 30 innovators Who Changed the Startup World

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