Every business’ success factor largely depends on the kind of human resources they have in their team. Though, we cannot overlook the other important factors like products and services, business environment, competition, which contributes a lot to the success of the business. But the real show stealer will always be the Human Resource which has the ability to steer through a tough business environment, making the product a big hit in the market.
Every organization stands on the hard rock foundation of an idea. But the process does not stop here. If the team in the company will not act as a box full of varied ideas, they might not be able to flourish. If a team comprises of people with strong ideas and are complemented by people who possess the ability to create ideas into acceptable concepts & know how to translate them into a successful business road map, no one can hinder the business from achieving the heights of success.
To make available for the organizations, the best suitable talent, Adhaan Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the best option available out there. Headquartered in Gujarat, Ahmedabad, Adhaan is not just serving domestically, but taking a step towards globalization, and now it has entered in the Middle East.
Incorporating high quality HR solutions, Adhaan offers Executive Search, Recruitment, Temporary Staffing and Payroll Management. All the services that the company offers are totally customized as per the specific requirements of clients. They are also taken through a stringent process of quality control to ensure that each client is enjoying and experiencing the same level of proficiency and finesse. Adhaan currently employs over 10,000 personnel (on its payroll), on a daily basis, for a variety of projects of its clients.
Nonpareil HR Services
Today, Adhaan has reached 10000+ numbers in payroll and further expanding in other dimensions too. Apart from payroll Adhaan is an expert in the management for huge manpower projects. Adhaan has been the one stop solution for volume to senior hiring for any company.
Totally Customer Centric Services
While offering their over the top services, Adhaan keeps the client requirement on top of their priority. Being a close business partner with the clients, Adhaan is ready to resolve clients’ problems 24×7. The outcome of this is that clients of Adhaan understands and believes that they are the one who really understand what clients need.
The procedure starts with understanding the concern of the client. Then together Adhaan and the client both analyze and discuss about the pros and cons of the particular solution, and it is only after getting satisfied with the solution the company executes it.
Adhaan offers following services:
Staffing Service at Adhaan is aimed at making the client companies’ job simpler. With substantial experience in the trade and incessant focus on skill building, Adhaan act as liaison between jobs and candidates, bridging the two quite seamlessly.
Adhaan strives to help clients with Payroll Management Service. The whole gamut of backend procedures, for clients’ staff, is taken over by Adhaan; letting the clients solely concentrate on the performance of their business related functions.
Online payroll helpdesk of Adhaan offers error free payroll processing through top notch payroll softwares and management of central and state level regulations are few cases in point. Adhaan’s Event Management Services encompass both corporate and private events.
Differentiating itself with a motto, “SERVICES AT ITS BEST”
Adhaan’s USP which differentiates them from their competitors is “SERVICES AT ITS BEST”. With an objective of the optimum satisfaction to the clients, as well as employees, Adhaan offers free advices on various topics to the clients and keep clients updated with new rules and regulations introduced by the government and the present market scenario.
Passionista behind Adhaan!
Striving for excellence in the profession Ms. Bhavna Udernani, Managing Director of Adhaan, is accelerating the success of the company. Prior to joining Adhaan, Ms. Bhavna has 5 years of experience with Team Lease Services.
Experience of Ms. Bhavna includes successfully managing all aspects of a human resource including, Volume Hiring, Hiring process, assessment methods, new joined induction, grievance handling, policy orientations integrating the automated training system with an impressive record of becoming the A grade player in a highly demanding & challenging environment.
Ms. Bhavna has 12 years of experience in Recruitment, Account Management, Operations, Client Relationship in Permanent and Temporary Staff Recruitments.
While talking about Adhaan, Ms. Bhavna says, “Our patience, strive to achieve the aim within the time frame, our dedication, integrity and loyalty and most importantly the USP of our company “Services at its best” are key values which helped me to overcome from the challenges.”
Fetching Dreams into Reality
Adhaan is fetching its dream into reality with a resolution to ‘be top 10 players of staffing industry within 3 years’. Adhaan is very excited about their future and is ready to enter in the top 10 group of staffing Industry.
Ms. Bhavna adds, “Our satisfied clients are enjoying the benefits of compliance and security, minimization of risk, free advices on various topics/issues our deadline centric services, regular updation of various rules and regulation as introduced by government.”
Adhaan Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Offering Foremost HR Solutions